Logos Rising: An Antisemitic Self-Styled Theologian Is Influencing A New Generation Of Reactionaries

For decades E. Michael Jones has dedicated his life to spreading harmful conspiracies about Jews, feminists, and the LGBTQ community — and today his work is experiencing a revival thanks to a younger generation of white supremacists and other reactionaries. In the past year, Jones has made appearances on no fewer than a dozen far-right podcasts and livestreams to spread his bigoted theology.

At first it may seem odd that a 71-year-old Catholic fascist is being heralded as a thought leader to podcasters who are often half his age. In 1980 Jones was an assistant professor of American Literature at St. Mary’s College, but was fired early on, he said, over his “position on abortion.” Since that time he set up his own publishing outlet, Fidelity Press, which he uses to produce Culture War Magazine.

Over the years Jones has clashed with everyone from anti-gay Catholic groups (the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights has condemned Jones’ antisemitism) to white nationalist leaders.

In 2007 at D.C.’s National Press Club, several white nationalists — including VDARE’s Peter Brimelow, Social Contract editor Wayne Lutton, and Taki’s Magazine founder Panagiotis “Taki” Theodoracopulos — gave speeches at an event honoring the late Samuel T. Francis. Organized by Francis’ publisher Fran Griffin, the gathering marked the posthumous publication of a collection of Francis’ essays called Shots Fired.

Although filmed by CSPAN, footage of the event never aired after a fiery, antisemitic speech from Jones that shocked those in attendance. According to Laura Sennett, a photographer and researcher with the antiracist One People’s Project who was in attendance, the mood quickly soured as Jones spoke. “It sucked all the energy out of the room,” she told me.

She said that Sam Dickson, a lawyer for Klansmen and other white supremacists who was seated behind her, appeared to be “fuming.” Fran Griffin, the event’s organizer, was “noticeably upset” by the end of Jones’ speech. Neither Dickson nor Griffin responded to requests for comment for this piece.

Peter Brimelow appeared to confirm the incident in a short article on VDARE titled “Sam Francis on CSPAN? Maybe Not,” in which he blamed the lack of a video on “an extraordinary performance by E. Michael Jones,” whom he called “a prize specimen even by the standards of my lifelong study of characters on the American Right.” According to Brimelow, Jones “denounced Elizabethan England, Puritans, capitalism, Protestants, [and] ‘revolutionary Jews.'”

“Sam felt bitterly that he never had the recognition he deserved while he was alive,” Brimelow wrote, adding that “Jones ensured that he won’t get it now that he’s dead.”

Fran Griffin 2007
Fran Griffin at the National Press Club, 2007 (Photo Credit: Laura Sennett/One People’s Project)

Jones has appeared on numerous white supremacist shows to tout the importance of logos. Logos is the Greek word for “word” or “reason,” but has also been used as a name for Jesus Christ. This stems from a verse from the Gospel of John: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

According to Jones, the Jewish people rejected Jesus Christ and, in so doing, rejected reason itself, thereby making them “revolutionaries” which he maintains they have been ever since. One of his books, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, dealt exclusively with this issue.

Unlike white supremacists, Jones does not view Jews as a racial group, and prioritizes religion over race and ethnicity. Jones is fond of saying that if not for the Catholic Church the Germans would still be “chasing pigs through the forest.” On another occasion he claimed that if Africans moved to Poland and adopted Christianity and the Polish language he would consider them Poles.

Nonetheless, several high-profile white nationalist and far-right figures have either promoted Jones’ work or credited him with a renewed sense of religiosity.

On the April 30, 2019 episode of Roosh Hour, Roosh Valizadeh, a pick-up artist-turned antisemitic Orthodox Christian, praised Jones for “innately kn[owing] something [about relationships] that took me 15 years to learn on my own.” On July 24, 2019, at Jones’ invitation, Valizadeh traveled to South Bend, IN to meet face-to-face and rail against feminism and the “homosexual agenda.”

Days later Jones tweeted that he traveled to Chicago to hear a speech by Valizadeh, and posted a photo of himself with virulently antisemitic podcaster Nick Fuentes. “Bright kid! Nice to meet you in person!” Jones wrote:

Jones Fuentes Tweet

Archived here.

Ethnonationalist Rebecca Hargraves, better known by her online moniker “Blonde in the Belly of the Beast,” told Jones in a July 31, 2019 interview, “I have long since said that you are what we wanted and failed to get from Jordan Peterson, and your spiritual guidance has helped bring me back to Catholicism.” She added that his “work has been hugely influential to me and to my family.”

On the July 22, 2019 episode of The Daily Braap, a small-time white power podcast, co-host “Knight Errant” said, “What we need to do is we need to purge all the boomers from the [white nationalist] movement and E. Michael Jones can be the only one. He can be the last boomer standing.” The hosts of The Daily Braap largely identify as Catholic.

White supremacist Vincent James of The Red Elephants began a June 12, 2019 interview with Jones by enthusiastically declaring “Logos is rising!” James told viewers that Jones routinely receives emails from supporters who thank him for “waking [them] up” and causing them to “return to the Church,” and discussed his own Catholic upbringing. (He claimed his maternal grandfather “started the St. Rocco parade in Chicago.”)

Later in the episode James suggested that the Catholic Church could be a useful tool in retaking the culture.

“So if we can somehow take hold of the Catholic Church, use its structure, use its power to reinstitute things like [the Hays Code], I think that we would see ourselves solving a lot of different problems throughout society — or helping to solve a lot of different problems throughout society — and I just don’t see that same structure or that same power behind any other organization, any other movement, or any other religion in my personal opinion,” he said.

In a multitude of media appearances Jones has successfully endeared himself to white supremacists and other extremists by providing a Biblical justification for their hatred of the Jewish people, political correctness, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and science.

E. Michael Jones Preaches A Deeply Antisemitic Theology

The subject that E. Michael Jones loves to rant about the most is the havoc the Jews have supposedly wreaked across the globe. For decades Jones has promoted the belief that the Jewish people were responsible for the murder of Jesus Christ — a belief that helped fuel centuries of pogroms against the Jews.

Jones is adamant that the Jews were responsible for Christ’s crucifixion and that, in doing so, they rejected logos and developed a “revolutionary spirit.” This “revolutionary spirit,” he says, influences their actions as a religious group to this day.

As he told podcaster Nick Fuentes in May, “I came to the conclusion in [the book] The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit that the Jew – the definition of the Jew was basically the people that were waiting for the Messiah, and when the Messiah came they killed Him.” He then said that in killing Christ the Jews “made an attack on logos, because He is the logos incarnate.”

On the April 15, 2019 episode of Red Pill Religion, hosted by Dean Esmay — the misogynistic one-time “Online Activism Director” for the National Coalition for Men — Jones was even more blunt about his view: “The Jewish people as a group called for the death of Jesus Christ. The Jewish people as a group killed Christ and they are enemies of the entire human race.”

During last year’s Easter episode of The Rebel Yell, Jones told Neo-Confederate co-hosts “Musonius Rufus” (identified as 40-year-old Bret Keylon Lynn of Cookeville, TN) and “Dark Enlightenment” that it was neither himself nor Adolf Hitler who originally cast the blame for Jesus’ death on the Jews, but rather Saint Paul himself. “And I as a Catholic have to accept what he believes!” he exclaimed.

This and other antisemitic beliefs were echoed in the manifesto of John Earnest, the alleged gunman who, in April, murdered one and wounded three others at a Poway, CA synagogue. (Earnest has been hailed as a “saint” by the hosts of the white supremacist podcast The Gas Station, which Jones appeared on in 2018.)

Although both Jones and Earnest promoted a similarly toxic interpretation of Christianity, Jones explicitly denied any responsibility for the attack. He told Owen Benjamin — himself an antisemite who recently wore a mask version of the racist “Happy Merchant” caricature — that the Anti-Defamation League was responsible for the shooting for stifling debate on the role of Jews in Christ’s death.

He also perversely suggested that “there is secret rejoicing in [the Jewish] community whenever somebody shoots somebody in a synagogue.”

In addition, Jones has alleged that Jewish people are responsible for the civil rights movement of the 1950s and ’60s, feminism, pornography, and the pro-choice movement. On The Rebel Yell, Jones said that the civil rights movement was “revenge” on the South for the lynching of Leo Frank — a 31-year-old Jewish factory superintendent accused of raping and murdering his 13-year-old employee.

On a May 24, 2019 appearance on Nick Fuentes’ show America First, Jones insisted that the feminist movement was “controlled by Jews.”

He characterized the hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh as a “Jewish-Catholic battle” in a November 2018 conversation with Jean-François Gariépy, the white nationalist and promoter of scientific racism who hosts The Public Space. “And it’s basically over abortion, and abortion was a Jewish revolutionary movement, part of feminism that came into power in the 1970s,” he said.

On Strike and Mike, a white supremacist show hosted by Right Stuff founder Mike “Enoch” Peinovich and Neo-Nazi Joseph Jordan, Jones accused the Jews of “overturning the moral law in the United States of America through the promotion of things like pornography,” and blamed the Jews for the concept of hate speech. As he told Peinovich and Jordan, hate speech is a “tyrannical form of thought control” that is “being imposed on us by the Jews.”

He echoed this same sentiment during an appearance on the fringe, pro-conspiracy program Know More News, telling host Adam Green that the “main manifestation of Jewish privilege in our day is basically the ability to determine the terms of the argument.” He once again attacked the Anti-Defamation League, this time for “saying the biggest threat to the human race right now is hate speech.”

And on Roosh Hour, Roosh Valizadeh asked Jones, “Speaking of the Jews, do you see a parallel between the Bolshevik Jews that started the Russian Revolution with the secular New York City Jews that are right now pushing this homosexuality everywhere, transgender kids, trying to attack you for even quoting a Christian verse in the New Testament?”

Jones answered in the affirmative, telling Valizadeh, “Yes. I mean things are always the same, and they’re always changing.”

On Canada First, hosted by 14 words-spouting white nationalist Faith Goldy, Jones summed up his political philosophy as “America first.” He praised the original “America first” movement of the early ’40s that urged nonintervention in World War II, and was synonymous with antisemites like Henry Ford, Charles Lindbergh, and Father Charles Coughlin. 

E. Michael Jones Routinely Denigrates LGBTQ People

Jones has a long history of disparaging the LGBTQ community, much to the delight of extremist podcast hosts. During the April 30, 2019 episode of Roosh Hour, Jones called homosexuality “much worse than heterosexuality” because it’s “against nature.” During his interview on America First, Jones remarked that “the main proxy warrior for the oligarchs is the homosexual.”

In his conversation with The Red Elephants’ Vincent James, Jones derisively referred to cities like New York and San Francisco as “magnet[s]” for “deviant” people. And on The Daily Braap Jones condemned the United States as a “crusader for spreading sodomy throughout the whole world now.”

On The Public Space, Jones bragged that his work helped move Poland away from accepting same-sex marriage.

Jones said that he received an email from a supporter “saying between my book, the Polish translation of Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation and Political Control, and the Polish Bishop’s statement on gender ideology, between the two of us we destroyed gay marriage in Poland.” He claimed that he went on television and warned that anyone who supported same-sex marriage was a “traitor” to the Polish people.

Jones harbors a particular disdain for Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend and current Democratic presidential candidate.

Racist right-wing comedian Owen Benjamin asked Jones in a May 2019 interview “How does a youngster like old Peter Butt [sic] get tricked into thinking that the anus is a sex organ?” Jones replied that “the homosexual embodies” the “narcissistic” belief that people “have the right to define your own being, your own reality.” He further claimed that they “have sex with themselves.”

Jones appears to blame Buttigieg for the existence of LGBTQ pride parades in South Bend. As he complained to Rebecca Hargraves, “We don’t celebrate the Fourth of July anymore. Guess what we celebrate? We celebrate gay pride because we have a gay mayor who’s commandeered the resources in our city to promote his wicked ideology and his own wicked lifestyle.” 

E. Michael Jones Is A Science Denier

Since 1950, when Pope Pius XII promulgated the papal encyclical Humani generis, the Catholic Church has maintained that the theory of evolution is not inherently incompatible with Catholic doctrine. In 2014, Pope Francis reiterated that God “created human beings and let them develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one so they would reach their fulfillment.”

Nevertheless, E. Michael Jones continues to reject evolution in its entirety. Jones told Nick Fuentes that school students are being “made stupid” by “accepting Darwinian evolution” which, Jones falsely claimed, posits that “shit happened” and that “this order created itself.”

During his interview with Owen Benjamin he praised the 19th century Michelson-Morley experiment, an attempt at detecting the medium through which light supposedly traveled — referred to as “aether.” Jones used this experiment to suggest that heliocentrism may be incorrect, and that “the Earth is at the center of the universe” and “doesn’t move.” He added that “There is a strong argument for geocentrism.”

While some of these beliefs regarding modern science are comical, not all of them are benign. Take for instance Jones’ opinion on HIV/AIDS which he elaborated upon on Red Pill Religion. Jones told Dean Esmay, himself an AIDS denier, that he once gave a lecture at Strathmore University and told his Kenyan audience dangerous myths about the disease.

Jones believes that “African AIDS” is a fiction created by proponents of population control. He recounted that students asked him what to do about HIV/AIDS, and told them that they should not get tested for it because it was, in his words, “made up.” According to the World Health Organization, “Africa is the most affected region by HIV/AIDS in the world, particularly among young women.” 

Jones is clearly not a perfect fit in a movement that appears to be predominantly dominated by secular organizations and figures — and which views everything through a primarily racial lens. This friction was most evident during an episode of Patriotic Weekly Review — formerly This Week On The Alt-Right — in which Jones and co-host Mark Collett went back and forth on the reasons for Europe’s scientific and philosophical achievements.

“I’m saying that without [the Catholic Church and the Benedictines] you would not have had civilization, and without civilization you wouldn’t have had a coherent culture, and without that there wouldn’t be Europe,” Jones insisted. He then said that the only difference between the diocese of Mbinga, Tanzania and the diocese of Würzburg, Germany is “one thousand years of Christianity” and “Benedictine monasteries.”

Collett, an unabashed Nazi sympathizer, pushed back by replying that, “If you give somebody a plan or a schematic and that person has gotten an IQ of 145, and then if you give the same plan or schematic to a person who’s got an IQ of 60 or 70, the person with [a] higher IQ is going to have a much better chance of carrying out the plan you’ve laid out before them.”

Still, this sort of push back was rare on Jones’ many appearances on white supremacist and far-right shows, and most of his interviewers reacted to his statements with deference or effusive praise. In other words, it seems the septuagenarian hate-peddler’s obvious antipathy for Jews, LGBTQ people, feminists, and other groups is apparently acceptable enough for many white supremacists to claim him as the spiritual leader they need.