Andrew Auernheimer Thinks He’s A Religious Martyr And Wants To Revive His Racist ‘Church’

In a video uploaded to his YouTube channel for New Year’s Eve, fascist troll Andrew Auernheimer delivered a messianic rant about his supposed martyrdom and desire to revive his racist “church.” And, let’s just say, the late Charles Manson — who thought himself a prophet and predicted an apocalyptic race war — would be proud.

“Those of you who have been a follower of my channel for a while, you’ll know that it’s a religious thing,” Auernheimer reminded his listeners. “That this started because I had a series of weekly sermons called the iProphet. The iProphet was part of a church that I made called the Last Church of Christ out of California, and I was building a religious institution.”

He claimed that this was the reason the federal government “framed” him for crimes, including making terroristic threats against a “religious center” and “bioterrorism.” And this was prior to his well known conviction for exposing an AT&T security flaw, for which he was “kidnapped” from his home and was incarcerated for “40 days and 40 nights” while awaiting bail.

And then things got weird. “Anyways, point being, I was essentially crucified and I rose again,” Auernheimer said, adding shortly thereafter he left to “wander Europe.” (Currently I can only think of one thing Jesus and Andrew Auernheimer have in common.) He then told his followers, “And it’s time, in 2018, for us to refocus on the public side of the Last Church of Christ.”

After discussing his own supposed martyrdom, he explained that his desire for a religious revival stems from his disappointment in major religious sects abandoning their old teachings on race.

“I was really excited to be part of the church of Martin Luther when I was a kid because of the writings of Martin Luther,” he said, “And when you look at evangelical Lutheranism today, you see something that’s very distant from the fire and the flame and that holy justice that just spewed out of Luther.”

Auernheimer’s praise of Luther is no coincidence. In 1543, Martin Luther published a book called On the Jews and Their Lies, in which he railed against circumcision and described the Jewish people as “miserable and accursed people,” “blind,” “miserable, blind, and senseless people,” “blind and stupid,” “liars and bloodhounds,” and “venomous” people “possessed by all devils.”

He advised Christians to be “on your guard against the Jews, knowing that wherever they have their synagogues, nothing is found but a den of devils in-which sheer self-glory, conceit, lies, blasphemy, and defaming of God and men are practiced most maliciously and vehming his eyes on them.”

Toward the end of his anti-Jewish screed, Luther asked rhetorically, “What shall we Christians do with this rejected and condemned people, the Jews?”

Luther proposed several measures Christian societies could adopt to insulate themselves from the Jews’ “lies”: setting fire to their synagogues; razing their houses; confiscating their “prayer books and Talmudic writings”; forbidding rabbis from teaching “on pain of loss of life and limb”; prohibiting Jews from traveling the highways; banning usury and confiscating their wealth; and forcing them into manual labor, so that they may “earn their bread in the sweat of their brow.”

Of today’s Lutheran Church, Auernheimer said Luther himself would be “ashamed for that church to bear his name.” It’s certainly true that today’s Lutheran Church has little in common with the personal views of Martin Luther — especially in relation to the Jews — and this is a very good thing. The same thing can also be said of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which Auernheimer also accuses of having lost its way.

“The things that [second LDS president] Brigham Young wrote on race were eternally true, were eternally true, and the modern Church has decided to discard these things,” he complained.

In Young’s Journal of Discourses Vol. 10, he wrote, “Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so.”

This wasn’t an ordinary exercise of capital punishment either, but an expression of “blood atonement” — a long-abandoned Mormon doctrine that certain offenders (“race-mixers,” adulterers, apostates, etc.) be killed and their blood shed on the ground. This punishment would, as the name implies, atone for their sins and prevent eternal torment in the afterlife.

In addition, the LDS Church once taught that melanin was a sign of God’s curse. Although it formally renounced this teaching in 2013, LDS leadership spent decades equating dark skin with sinfulness. For example, in 1960, Spencer W. Kimball — the Church’s 12th president — ludicrously maintained that Native American converts would steadily grow “white and delightsome.” Today, the LDS Church makes clear its opposition to racism in any form.

Auernheimer, however, still connects dark skin with moral deficiencies — though he justifies this belief with pseudoscience as opposed to antiquated theology.

He claimed that, “[T]here’s genes that modulate aggression, some of them have to do with pigment, actually. The pigmentation of every animal on Earth is — darker pigmented animals are more aggressive, more violent, more sexually aggressive than lighter pigmented animals, and that’s a universal truth in the animal kingdom.”

As the video drew to a close, Auernheimer told his listeners that he wants to “reintroduce the fires of the old ways, of traditional thinkers, traditional ideas, even the Poetic Edda. I want to reintegrate these ideas into the Church. I want to synthesize something that protects historical Christendom from foreigners. And I want to say, once again in public, that this is a divinely inspired mission. That what I do is religious. It is holy.”

Auernheimer has long been an advocate for a war between whites and non-whites — and has claimed that a great number of non-whites would have to be “slaughtered” in the process. Now he’s put a religious twist on this fantasy. Perhaps he should’ve called his organization the Church of Helter Skelter instead.