‘Return of Kings’ Writer: A White Woman Who Has Children with a Black Man is ‘Turning Her Back on Her Heritage’

Integration Protest

Over at the neomasculinist website Return of Kings, writer Jean-Batave Poqueliche wrote a column informing his white readers of what they (supposedly) need to know about white women who date black men. Continue reading “‘Return of Kings’ Writer: A White Woman Who Has Children with a Black Man is ‘Turning Her Back on Her Heritage’”

Feminism is a ‘Terrorist Movement’ Says Return of Kings Writer

League of Frightened Men

In an April 4, 2016 post for the perennially awful Return of Kings blog, columnist Corey Savage (whose bio states that he believes men should “honor their primal nature”) declared all of feminism to be a “the most successful terrorist movement of our time.” Continue reading “Feminism is a ‘Terrorist Movement’ Says Return of Kings Writer”

Inside Roosh Valizadeh’s Bizarre, Rambling Press Conference

Following the implosion of Roosh Valizadeh’s Return of Kings international meetup, the pickup guru and “neomasculinist” cult leader staged a press conference to chastise the media for what he deemed to be lies about himself and the gatherings. Continue reading “Inside Roosh Valizadeh’s Bizarre, Rambling Press Conference”

‘Return of Kings’ Columnist Wants To Create An ‘International Boarding School’

Over at Return of Kings, columnist Jean-Batave Poqueliche penned an article about his desire to create his own “international school” for, as the tag line says, “Forging the masculine young minds and the devoted women of tomorrow.” Continue reading “‘Return of Kings’ Columnist Wants To Create An ‘International Boarding School’”