Roosh Valizadeh: ‘Punish’ Women Who Hate Trump By ‘Withholding Your Cock’

Plenty of skeezy characters are supporting megalomaniacal blowhard Donald Trump for president, but neomasculinist pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh is easily one of the most repulsive. Valizadeh, who’s been steadily drifting toward white nationalism in the past couple of years, views Trump as someone who “represents ideas of beauty, tradition, truth, and nationalism.”

Trump’s opponents, on the other hand, represent “ugliness, degeneracy, lies, and globalism, though mostly ugliness,” which is why Roosh came up with an, er, novel way of dealing with the female ones.

In an April 27, 2016 post on his eponymous forum, Roosh wrote that the best way to “punish” these “Trump haters” is to refrain from sleeping with them. Foolproof! Roosh revealed that he is “currently dating a girl who is apathetic about Trump” but who nonetheless “doesn’t believe that all men are rapists” or that “homosexuals should be able to adopt children.”

He noticed that “masculine” men date women who hold similar beliefs — anecdotal evidence that was enough for him to propose a way to filter out Trump critics when trying to score a date.

“The goal is to find a way early on to declare your allegiance to Trump,” he wrote. “You’re doing this primarily to exclude women who don’t want to make America great again, not to build attraction (though it may do so). At this point in our societal decline, it doesn’t make sense to sexually reward a girl who wants to destroy the country with a socialist or globalist candidate.”

“Besides the punitive element of withholding your cock from a Trump hater, we can also look at it from a time-saving perspective,” he added. A “masculine” man who tries to sleep with a feminist requires him to “act out her faggy ideal in order to get laid,” and have to bite his tongue while she “inevitably spouts anti-male propaganda.”

Roosh then urged his followers to “say no to all women who hate Trump” since doing otherwise would merely “reward anti-American behavior.” And since I’m sure intelligent, self-respecting women are just clamoring to sleep with Trump’s army of racist troglodytes, I for one can’t see how this plan could possibly fail.

While Donald Trump is far from a perfect Presidential candidate, he represents ideas of beauty, tradition, truth, and nationalism. It’s not surprising that those who hate him and protest at his rallies represent the polar opposite: ugliness, degeneracy, lies, and globalism, though mostly ugliness. The women you see at anti-Trump rallies are awash in obesity, masculine behavior, and utter repulsiveness. For this reason, I recommend that you completely stop having sex with Trump haters.

I’m currently dating a girl who is apathetic about Trump. She doesn’t love him but doesn’t hate him either, and finds him more entertaining than anything. From that, you can correctly guess that she is feminine, thin, and sweet-natured. She doesn’t believe that all men are rapists and need to be taught how not to rape. She doesn’t think that homosexuals should be able to adopt children. From discussions with other masculine men, a pattern has emerged: their women are also not Trump haters.

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The goal is to find a way early on to declare your allegiance to Trump. You’re doing this primarily to exclude women who don’t want to make America great again, not to build attraction (though it may do so). At this point in our societal decline, it doesn’t make sense to sexually reward a girl who wants to destroy the country with a socialist or globalist candidate.

Besides the punitive element of withholding your cock from a Trump hater, we can also look at it from a time-saving perspective. If you are masculine, you simply won’t connect naturally with a feminist who hates Trump. You’ll have to act out her faggy ideal in order to get laid, waste time on interactions that go nowhere, and endure a lot more flaking. You’ll also feel a bit like a sellout for biting your lip when she inevitably spouts anti-male propaganda, which I have in the past.

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It’s a fact that you’ll enjoy any seduction if you genuinely like the girl and share things in common with her. The only problem is if you live in a liberal urban shithole of brainwashed commie zombies. In that case, you have bigger issues than just getting laid, and should consider moving to a place that is not completely against your belief system. Until then, I urge you to say no to all women who hate Trump. Not only do you reward anti-American behavior, but you make it way easier to meet girls who you genuinely like. Use Donald Trump as a device to make your sex life great again.