Laura Loomer Tells Kari Lake Her Opponent ‘Is In Favor Of Veterans Committing Suicide’

Yesterday, Arizona senate candidate Kari Lake appeared on the Rumble show of Laura Loomer — an Islamophobic and white nationalist conspiracy theorist. During the show, Loomer took shots at Lake’s opponent — Iraq War veteran Ruben Gallego — smearing him as a “radical” who’s “in favor of veterans committing suicide.”

“And, you know, speaking about how radical your opponent is, you know one of the biggest issues right now is immigration in our country,” Loomer told Lake. “We see that all across the country in places like California and New York. The Democrats are trying to take advantage of Joe Biden’s open border policies.”

Loomer claimed that Democrats are trying to grant undocumented immigrants “the right to vote,” alleging that there are currently “65 million illegal aliens are in our country right now” — which is “enough to effectively replace American voters.” She also said there is “proposed legislation” in California and New York to allow undocumented immigrants to vote.

While New York City passed legislation in 2021 which would allow undocumented immigrants to vote in municipal elections, the law never took effect. And noncitizens are already barred from voting in federal elections, in spite of Republican claims to the contrary.

Loomer also echoed the false claim that Democrats are using undocumented immigrants to skew the census results and create new, majority Democratic districts. According to Loomer, “they’re talking about potentially creating, if they get four more years of Joe Biden, 13 new congressional districts in this country,” which would prevent Republicans from “ever getting elected ever again.”

Lake agreed with Loomer, claiming such an outcome would be “game over for America.” She also attacked Joe Biden and Ruben Gallego for supposedly giving money to undocumented immigrants, which she said would be better spent on healthcare for veterans or constructing a wall along the southern border.

This prompted Loomer to attack Gallego, who enlisted in the Marines and served in Iraq, for talking about his military service.

Calling it “shameful” that Gallego “likes to tout, you know, his military service as if he’s some kind of war hero in our country,” Loomer said that if he actually supported veterans, he’d prevent taxpayer money from going to “illegal aliens” and instead use it to help veterans who struggle with homelessness and suicidal ideation.

“He needs to stop pretending like he cares about veterans, because clearly he’s in favor of veterans sleeping on the streets of America,” she claimed.

“I would even go as far — maybe it’s provocative to say — I would say he’s in favor of veterans committing suicide, because until he actually says that he wants to divert all of those resources from illegal aliens to all of those veterans who are in need … I don’t wanna hear Ruben Gallego talk about his military service anymore.”

While Lake said that she “appreciate[s] Gallego’s service to our country,” she didn’t push back on Loomer’s comments about veteran suicides, instead faulting Gallego for not doing enough to help homeless veterans.

From the May 21, 2024 episode of Loomer Unleashed

Laura Loomer: And, you know, speaking about how radical your opponent is, you know one of the biggest issues right now is immigration in our country. We see that all across the country in places like California and New York. The Democrats are trying to take advantage of Joe Biden’s open border policies. And of course Arizona is one of the states that is most affected by these open border policies. And they view it as an electoral strategy, right? They wanna give these people the right to vote.

We’ve seen it in California and New York where they have actually proposed legislation. I know the media doesn’t wanna report on this, but they’re passing legislation to give illegal aliens the right to vote. And so you have Ruben Gallego tweeting in 2018, “Donald Trump wants to use $25 billion for a stupid, useless border wall.” I mean is that really what we need from the senator in Arizona — the future senator of Arizona, potentially? Somebody who thinks that a border wall is stupid? How many Arizonans need to die from fentanyl poisoning?

Kari Lake: That’s right.

Laura Loomer: How many family members of innocent Arizona families need to be raped, maimed, and killed by dangerous illegal alien invaders? We just don’t need any more of this. There’s over 12 million illegal aliens who’ve come into our country illegally under Joe Biden.

Kari Lake: [Inaudible]

Laura Loomer: There’s estimates that say maybe 65 million illegal aliens are in our country right now. If you start giving these people the right to vote, that’s enough to effectively replace American voters. And they’re talking about potentially creating, if they get four more years of Joe Biden, 13 new congressional districts in this country. Forget about a Republican ever getting elected ever again if you have illegal aliens, and the demographics and the population of illegal aliens, creating Democrat [sic] stronghold districts that are going to wipe out the possibility for Republican victories and a Republican presidency ever again.

Kari Lake: Well it’ll be game over for America. I mean this is the last, final election. We either get this right and we vote for America First policies or, you know, we vote with Joe Biden, people like Ruben Gallego who truly want the destruction of our country. Anybody who thinks we can absorb 12 million people — and I think you’re right, Laura, it’s much higher than that. President Trump says 20 million, it’s maybe even more than that. But let’s just take, you know, 10 or 12 million. And it’s so obvious what’s happening.

They’re pouring across our country. Joe Biden wants our — the healthcare we’re giving to veterans to be shared with people here illegally. Ruben Gallego wants to put them up, and pay for them to be put up, and pour billions of dollars into the symptom of this problem. They don’t — they don’t wanna solve the problem. Solving the problem would be putting up, and quickly expediting, the construction of the border wall. It would cost between $5 and $15 billion. And considering we just sent $270 billion to Ukraine, I think the American people would rather have spent $15 billion constructing quickly the border wall to prevent people from coming across.

Laura Loomer: Yeah. And you know, I think, too, another thing that’s really shameful about Ruben Gallego is he likes to tout, you know, his military service as if he’s some kind of war hero in our country. And the reality is is that over 22 veterans a day are committing suicide. And if Ruben Gallego truly cares about veterans as he’s always gaslighting people into thinking, you know, and talking about his military service, then shouldn’t he be more concerned with actually building a wall so that we could keep illegal aliens out instead of having over $700 billion of our taxpayer money every single year going towards funding illegal aliens, when that money could be going towards the veterans? I mean, how many homeless veterans are on the streets of American cities.

This money should be going to our homeless veterans. Not going to Ukraine to fund the war machine, which is what Ruben Gallego supports. Not going to fund healthcare and social services for illegal aliens. And so I think that it’s time for Ruben Gallego to stop, you know, pretending like he cares about veterans. He needs to stop pretending like he cares about veterans, because clearly he’s in favor of veterans sleeping on the streets of America. I would even go as far — maybe it’s provocative to say — I would say he’s in favor of veterans committing suicide, because until he actually says that he wants to divert all of those resources from illegal aliens to all of those veterans who are in need, and maybe we could even save some of the lives of these veterans, I don’t wanna hear Ruben Gallego talk about his military service anymore. Because he’s choosing —

Kari Lake: Yeah, well —

Laura Loomer: — illegal aliens over our American heroes, which is disgraceful.

Kari Lake: Every man and woman who serves the military takes the oath of office to uphold the Constitution and protect American citizens, and that’s not being done right now. I do appreciate Gallego’s service to our country. But I don’t appreciate the fact that, in his district — he’s a congressman in the district that represents Phoenix — they have the fastest growing homeless population in the country. Which probably, when you think about it, means in the world. And, I mean, they’re surpassing places like L.A. and Skid Row and San Francisco and Portland. It is absolute destruction and despair in Ruben Gallego’s district. I have gone through the homeless areas of Phoenix, and I’ve met people who have served in the military. And it breaks my heart to think that somebody, Laura, who’s willing to die for this country would come back home and, because of whatever the issues they’re facing, find themselves on the streets in Phoenix —

Laura Loomer: Right.

Kari Lake: — and not be given help. And it’s despicable that this is happening. He’s done nothing for the homeless, to bring down the homelessness in his district. And many of them, indeed, are veterans. And not one single veteran should be on the street — living on the street right now.

Laura Loomer: And so the fact that, you know —

Kari Lake: That’s right.

Laura Loomer: — that Arizona is now, along with Texas, really ground zero for the invasion, and also ground zero for the mistreatment of our veterans, it’s time for, you know, progressive Democrats and really just American voters in general to make a decision this November to see whether they’re gonna be putting illegal alien invaders first, or they’re gonna be putting American citizens and American heroes first.

Kari Lake: That’s right.

Laura Loomer: And I think the choice is clear with you. And when you look at some of these quotes here, “I’m officially calling on Democrats across the country to chip in to create an unbeatable progressive movement.” Not a Democrat [sic] movement. Not an American movement. A progressive movement. And one of the main pillars of the progressive movement — which of course is funded by George Soros, and we’ve seen that Alex Soros has actually traveled to Arizona to hold fundraisers for Ruben Gallego — one of the main pillars of the progressive movement is open borders. “Everyone is welcome here” —

Kari Lake: That’s right.

Laura Loomer: — is the progressive movement mantra.