Elijah Schaffer Leans Into Holocaust Denial

Far-right propagandist Elijah Schaffer has not been shy about his antisemitic beliefs, having blamed Jews for “destroy[ing] our Western civilization” and controlling the Atlantic slave trade. More recently, however, Schaffer has turned his Rumble show into a platform for Nazi apologia and Holocaust denial.

In late April, Schaffer interviewed Holocaust denier Ron Unz of the racist and antisemitic website The Unz Review. During a portion of the interview that was broadcast on Rumble, Unz accused Winston Churchill of being a “political puppet” of wealthy Jews and claimed that Franklin Roosevelt allowed the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbor.

But in a portion of the interview that was available only to subscribers of censored.tv, Unz spread false claims about the Holocaust and defended Nazi leadership.

At one point, Unz claimed that “only a couple of hundred thousand people died in Auschwitz,” when, in fact, over one million people were murdered there, most of whom were Jewish. Unz also falsely claimed that Zyklon B — a cyanide-based pesticide — was used not to murder prisoners but rather to delouse clothes.

“Basically, the story is the Germans used Zyklon B and gas chambers to exterminate 4 million, 2 million, 3 million Jews in Auschwitz,” Unz said. “And it’s all entirely false. Zyklon B was simply an insecticide which was used by the United States, by Germany, by most countries in the world, to basically kill lice or disinfect people.”

In fact, he perversely concluded that the use of Zyklon B in Nazi extermination camps actually “saved” lives.

“And there’s absolutely no evidence that any significant number of people were killed by Zyklon B,” he said. “I mean all that’s complete nonsense. In fact, the evidence seems to be that … Zyklon B was used to kill the lice that were transmitting typhus. So in other words the lives of Jews at Auschwitz were saved by Zyklon B, rather than taken by Zyklon B.”

From the Apr. 25, 2024 episode of Slightly Offensive

Unz returned on the May 16, 2024 episode of Nightly Offensive, titled “How ISRAEL Came to RULE the WORLD (Part 2).” Unz largely rehashed many of the same false claims he made on his Apr. 25, 2024 appearance, including ones about the number of Jews that died and about Zyklon B only being used to delouse prisoners’ clothing.

“And so, you know, if we’re stepping back and seeing what really did happen during the war, I mean certainly many, many, many hundreds of thousands of Jews died in the war along with 50 or 60 million other people,” he said.

He added, however, that the “numbers are really not at all clear,” and that “it seems most of the evidence is that probably a couple hundred thousand Jews may have died in the Nazi concentration camps, mostly from disease, with the Germans making every effort to try to control the spread of disease.”

And he repeated the claim that the Nazis only used Zyklon B to stop the spread of diseases like typhus in order to “save the lives of their forced laborers.”

From the May 16, 2024 episode of Nightly Offensive

Unz also blamed Holocaust, an award-winning 1978 miniseries starring Meryl Streep and James Woods, for Americans’ belief that the Nazis engaged in genocide.

This fictional portrayal of a Jewish family living in Nazi Germany was sharply criticized by Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel in a New York Times op-ed. But it was also credited with popularizing the use of the word “Holocaust” to describe the mass murder of Jews in WWII.

To Ron Unz, this meant that the modern understanding of the Holocaust itself was a Hollywood fabrication.

“And what we call the modern Holocaust was essentially created in Hollywood in the 1970s,” he alleged. “In other words, there was a very widespread — a very widely shown miniseries, I think it was on — it was either ABC or NBC — called Holocaust. It was on for four or five nights. It basically told the story of the Holocaust.”

“And all the accounts you read by leading scholars or by individuals, that, in many cases, was the turning point in the knowledge of the Holocaust,” Unz said.

“In other words, that was when most ordinary Americans first learned what had taken place in the Second World War. It is now viewed as one of the greatest — one of the most shocking, horrific events in all of human history. Until they saw it in a fictional dramatization on television, they were unaware that it had ever happened.”

From the May 16, 2024 episode of Nightly Offensive