Elijah Schaffer Hosts Holocaust Denier Ron Unz

On his show Slightly Offensive, Elijah Schaffer took his antisemitism to its logical conclusion by discussing World War II with Holocaust denier Ron Unz. Unz, a crank whose website publishes articles by white supremacists, called Winston Churchill a “political puppet” of wealthy Jews and accused Franklin Roosevelt of allowing Japan to bomb Peal Harbor.

Founded in 2013, The Unz Review features the work of Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin, white nationalist Jared Taylor, and the late Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson. Unsurprisingly, Unz Review headlines have included “Rich KIKES North of Richmond,” “There Is No Evidence for Nazi Gas Chambers,” and “Antisemitism Is a Logical and Rational Reaction to Jewish Behavior.”

Unz himself is a contributor as well. In one 2018 article he declared that “I think it far more likely than not that the standard Holocaust narrative is at least substantially false, and quite possibly, almost entirely so.” He also claimed that “Jews have generally enjoyed a reputation for producing many of the world’s greatest swindlers and frauds.”

On Slightly Offensive, which was partially broadcast on the extremist-friendly platform Rumble, Ron Unz falsely claimed that Nazi Germany was essentially provoked into going to war. When Elijah Schaffer asked why countries like the U.S., France, and Great Britain would “want to provoke a war with Hitler,” Unz alleged that they had ulterior motives.

According to Unz, President Franklin D. Roosevelt secretly wanted war with Germany in hopes of spurring an economic rebound after the Great Depression. “What [Roosevelt] and his aides decided to do at the time was that the only way to bring America out of the Great Depression was war,” he said. “Provoking a war. Starting a war and getting America involved in a war.”

Unz also blamed “various Jewish groups and Jewish interests” in Britain who had become “extremely hostile to Hitler.” He claimed that the cause of this hostility was that Hitler “pushed the Jews out of the central economic position that they gained in Germany” — since “Jewish groups” had amassed “a tremendous share of Germany’s wealth.”

He went on to accuse Jews of “bribing the top political leadership of much of the Conservative Party in Britain,” citing Holocaust denier David Irving for this particular claim. Unz also said that Jewish groups financed Winston Churchill’s extravagant lifestyle in exchange for making Churchill “in effect their political puppet.”

From the Apr. 25, 2024 episode of Slightly Offensive

Unz also promoted the unfounded conspiracy theory that President Roosevelt had foreknowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and deliberately allowed it to happen.

He explained that Roosevelt “ordered his destroyers and his ships to attack German U-Boats to try to provoke Hitler into declaring war against the United States.” Unz said that when this failed, not only did Roosevelt goad the Japanese into attacking America, but he also allowed them to do so.

“But, I mean, it’s very clear that Roosevelt was doing absolutely everything he could to provoke the Japanese into attacking,” Unz said. “And it seems very likely that he actually knew the Japanese attack was on the way, and deliberately allowed thousands of American servicemen to be killed, so as to ensure that he could bring America into the war.”

“And the whole reason he wanted America into the war was simply that was the only way of getting America out of the Great Depression,” he continued.

“And that’s exactly what happened. In other words, if you read any of the history books — standard history books — they’ll all say that America was mired in the Great Depression until the Second World War broke out. What they don’t say is that Roosevelt caused the war to break out to achieve exactly that result.”

From the Apr. 25, 2024 episode of Slightly Offensive

Schaffer also teased that the remainder of the episode, where they would discuss the Holocaust, would be available only for paid subscribers to censored.tv — a platform owned by Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes.