Jeremy Carl Espouses White Nationalist Talking Points On Far-Right YouTube Show

Updated | Claremont Institute senior fellow and former Trump administration official Jeremy Carl has been hitting the right-wing media circuit to promote his book, The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism Is Tearing America Apart. On one far-right YouTube show, Carl promoted white nationalist concepts, including the “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory.

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Charlie Kirk: The Civil Rights Act ‘Created A Beast’ That ‘Turned Into An Anti-White Weapon’

On the Apr. 16, 2024 episode of his Rumble show, Turning Point USA founder and president Charlie Kirk interviewed Jeremy Carl — a Senior Fellow at the far-right Claremont Institute who authored a book bemoaning “anti-white racism.” Both Kirk and Carl criticized the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which Kirk said “created a beast” that “turned into an anti-white weapon.”

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Glenn Beck Promotes ‘National Divorce’ On BlazeTV Show

In an Oct. 13, 2021 segment for his BlazeTV show, right-wing radio host Glenn Beck promoted the idea of a “national divorce,” in which right-leaning states secede and form their own country. During the segment, Beck suggested a “national divorce” may be the only solution while simultaneously claiming he opposes it.

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Claremont Institute Fellow Jack Murphy Tells White Supremacist That The Government Is ‘Coming For’ White People

On the Sept. 16, 2021 episode of his online show Restoring Order, white supremacist Patrick Casey interviewed extreme-right podcaster Jack Murphy. Murphy, whose real name is John Goldman, boasted of doing interviews with high-profile figures, and told Casey that the U.S. government was “coming for” white people.

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