Roosh Valizadeh Is Having A Normal One Over Cardi B And Megan Thee Stallion’s ‘WAP’

Ever since Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion released their hit song “WAP,” right-wingers have been freaking out. The song, in which two Black artists scandalously rap about how much they enjoy sex, prompted Republican congressional candidate James P. Bradley to tweet that he “accidentally” listened to the song, which made him “want to pour holy water in my ears.”

Ben Shapiro, former editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, made a cringe-inducing video in which he read out the lyrics to “WAP” — albeit censored. “I said certified freak, seven days a week,” Shapiro said. “Wet ass p-word make that pull-out game weak. Yeah you f-ing with some wet ass p-word.” “P-word is female genitalia,” he explained to his anatomically-challenged audience.

But in terms of silly, over-the-top reactions to the song, the weirdest may have come from misogynistic former pickup artist Roosh Valizadeh. In recent years Valizadeh has undergone a religious conversion thanks in part to E. Michael Jones, a famously antisemitic and conspiratorial self-styled theologian.

In his latest episode of Roosh Hour, Valizadeh claimed the song “darkens your soul.”

Valizadeh began by railing against “pornographic imagery” and claiming that “advertising on the websites attacked me with sexy photos.” He then brought up the release of “WAP,” telling listeners the full title — “Wet Ass Pussy” — was too “profane” to repeat. “It refers to a sexual…thing,” Valizadeh said uncomfortably.

“So I actually wanted to pull the lyrics up because I didn’t want to watch the video,” he said. “And I wanted to share the lyrics with you. But even the lyrics are so disgusting, so profane, that I can’t even read it to you. Now, I’ll show it on the screen, so if you don’t want to know what’s going on just don’t try to read what I’m going to show you.”

He continued ranting about the song, which he called “pornography in musical form,” by claiming it was bad for the soul. “Before I start my live-streams I play music that is enlightening to the soul,” he said. “Nourishing to the soul. The music that this is, that your beloved elites produce for you, darkens your soul, gets your mind in the gutter, in the swamp.”

Then Valizadeh tried unsuccessfully to attack Megan Thee Stallion, pulling up a heavily censored video of an interview he said was between her and Apple Music. The problem was that Megan Thee Stallion was not present in the interview at all. Instead, there was a roundtable that consisted of Cardi B and several artists who had cameos in the “WAP” music video.

The woman he was so offended by, for the record, was rapper Sukihana. Unfortunately we’ll have to add “telling Black people apart” to the growing list of things Roosh Valizadeh is terrible at, including writing, being a decent human being, and not getting drinks tossed in his face.

Valizadeh compared Sukihana to a “crazy person” “ranting and raving to themselves” on the street. And he exclaimed that “when you have the most powerful entertainment businesses lifting a crazy person up, when you have Apple and YouTube — all, I mean, Silicon Valley companies in addition to the music industry lifting up — she is broken!

And minutes later when he brought up Cardi B’s long nails his rant took an antisemitic turn for no reason whatsoever.

“And the thing that makes me laugh is her nails are really long, and it’s like a claw,” Valizadeh said. “But it’s meant to say ‘I don’t have to do any manual labor.’ And that reminds me of the people in the small hats, ’cause if you had to do work outside, your small hat is not gonna protect you against the Sun. So it’s the same idea there.”

“Small hat” is an antisemitic slur that makes reference to yarmulkes. Roosh Valizadeh has a long history of antisemitic rhetoric, including a rant in which he blamed Jewish people for the creation of Bratz dolls.

[The following clips are from a three and a half hour episode of Roosh Hour.]