Jason Köhne: Apartheid Was Akin To Letting A Homeless Person In Your House And Restricting Their Bathroom Usage

In the May 30, 2019 episode of The After Party, Jason Köhne (a.k.a. “NoWhiteGuilt”) and Jared George (a.k.a. “The Great Order”) had South African white nationalist Simon Roche as a guest to fret about the fictional white genocide plaguing South Africa. Roche, of course, attended the “Unite the Right” rally and has deep ties to American white supremacists.

Last year Roche had a supporting role in Lauren Southern’s pseudo-documentary Farmlands.

During the episode Köhne, who styles himself as something of a white power self-help guru, justified the conquest of South Africa, Australia, and the Americas. As he told viewers, there “was no country to be stolen when our people showed up in South Africa. There was no country to be stolen when our people showed up in the U.S., or when our people showed up in Australia.”

People who harbor pro-colonialist and imperialist attitudes often rely on ahistorical claims about indigenous populations of nations conquered by whites. This includes the “empty land” myth of South Africa. Yet Köhne appears to go even further by implying that the land was not occupied by indigenous people in North America or Australia — or that it simply didn’t count.

“We built Western civilization,” he whined. “We built those countries. When they say to you, ladies and gentlemen, that these countries are a nation of immigrants you say wrong, these countries are ours because they exist in our hearts and our spirits before they exist in the real world.” No, I have no clue what that means either.

He then argued that South African apartheid was a benevolent system, and that black South Africans were nothing but ungrateful savages. Köhne explained:

You have a house. Or you live in [an] apartment. And under the goodness of your heart, you decide to take in a homeless person. And yet, you’re going to restrict that homeless person’s use of your home. You’re gonna say, “Well, you can use this as your bedroom, you can use that as your bathroom, you can put your things in this part of the refrigerator or that cabinet.” That, ladies and gentlemen, is what apartheid is. That is what segregation is. When you invite strangers in and you say that you can have these portions because of my benevolence toward you.

I think we’ve found the wrongest statement ever uttered. Black people were already living in South Africa when whites arrived. They had been living there long before the nation’s white minority instituted apartheid, which was a brutal, oppressive regime where black people were forced to live apart from whites, interracial marriage was banned, and the right of blacks to vote was heavily restricted.

Following the end of apartheid in 1994, South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission revealed gross human rights violations committed during the apartheid era. This included the savage torture and murder of Steve Biko, an anti-apartheid activist, while in police custody, targeted assassinations, and military plans to sterilize blacks and poison other anti-apartheid activists.

The system was similar to that of the Jim Crow south, in which African-Americans were rendered second-class citizens and forced to use substandard public accommodations. Interracial marriages were likewise banned, and the right of African-Americans to vote was, in practice, heavily restricted as well. Anti-segregation activists were brutalized by white police, and murdered by white supremacist terrorists.

And, of course, African-Americans impacted by Jim Crow were not like “guests” in one’s home. They were U.S. citizens with constitutional rights, whose ancestors were kidnapped and forcibly brought on a dangerous voyage to the U.S. in order to have their labor callously exploited by a wealthy, white, ruling class. It would be difficult to overestimate their legacy in building this country.

To Jason Köhne, the non-whites who live in the U.S., South Africa, and Australia are — somehow — the real interlopers. And in exchange for having dogs sicced on them, being lynched by Klansmen and cops (or both), getting sprayed by fire hoses, and beaten with batons, they should be thankful.

He is outraged over the people who inflicted those atrocities being called “evil,” and views black people asking for equality as an insult.