Ex-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney Makes Common Cause With White Supremacists

During the March 23, 2019 episode of The People’s Square, a Neo-Nazi podcast, ex-Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney helped spread antisemitic tropes during a guest appearance. McKinney, who now teaches at North South University — a private university located in Dhaka, Bangladesh — served six terms in the House and ran for president on the Green Party ticket in 2008.

She’s also no stranger to controversy when it comes to her political beliefs, which are often racist and conspiratorial. McKinney spent the Bush years as a vocal 9/11 truther, and in 2009 attended an event with prominent Holocaust deniers. In 2016 she courted criticism again for blaming Islamic terrorist attacks, such as the one in Nice that left 86 dead, on Israelis.

“Same Israeli photographer captures Nice and Munich tragedies. How likely is that? Remember the Dancing Israelis?” she tweeted.

As she explained to Neo-Nazi co-hosts Borzoi Boskovic and Joseph Jordan (a.k.a., Eric Striker), Jamaican-born black nationalist Marcus Garvey had been punished by the Jews for daring to create an alliance with white people. Garvey, who was targeted for deportation by the Bureau of Investigation (an FBI precursor), was eventually convicted of mail fraud in 1923.

Garvey himself blamed the Jews for his arrest and conviction, and both Jordan and McKinney agreed. As McKinney explained, Garvey believed that “the jurors were Jewish,” as was the judge. She also praised Garvey for allying himself with whites — whom she called “the children of the Pilgrims” — who “had not been co-opted…by the Jewish agenda.”

McKinney went on to call for the destruction of the so-called “deep state,” which she said “consists of the pro-Israel lobby” and “ZioCons” who are “fight[ing] each other for ascendancy.” (“ZioCon” is a favorite pejorative of ex-Klan leader David Duke.) She then likened opiate addiction in white communities to “what was done to the black community with crack cocaine and heroin even before that,” which Jordan agreed with wholeheartedly.

Jordan remarked that “a lot of the things they do to white people, they first experiment on black people,” whether that be drug addiction or the “sexual revolution” which he says had a deleterious effect on both communities.

“The Jews were promoting a lot of antisocial things — the culture of divorce, the culture of out-of-wedlock births, abortion and so on — now you see those same things happening in the white community,” Jordan said. “So, black people are in some ways the first experiment of the Zionists and the Jews.” McKinney enthusiastically replied, “That’s right, the laboratory. We’re the laboratory.”

Not only was Cynthia McKinney fine with Jordan’s venomous antisemitism, she had no problem whatsoever with his white nationalist beliefs.

“And, now, you see, what’s supposed to happen when you say that you’re a white nationalist, what’s supposed to happen is, that I’m supposed to be afraid,” she said. “I’m supposed to be, ‘Oh my gosh! He’s a white nationalist! He’s a this and he’s a that!’ And I’m supposed to, then, run to the other side because I’m so much afraid of you. Well it doesn’t work with me, because I’m from the South!”

Jordan, in turn, said that he too is supposed to be afraid of people like Cynthia McKinney who espouse views critical of the police, he’s “supposed to run to the other side as well.” He then exclaimed, “You know what I say? Fuck the police and fuck the pigs! They’re pieces of shit anyway.” (I realize this was meant to be edgy but Jordan sounds like a college freshman who just discovered Body Count.)

While rare, there have historically been instances where white supremacists and black antisemites have expressed admiration for one another. The Nation of Islam famously met with members of George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party in 1961. Both Jordan and David Duke have praised the exterminationist rhetoric of Louis Farrakhan. And antisemitic figures like Bryan “Hotep Jesus” Sharpe have openly allied with the alt-right.