Headlines — 12/19/18

Epik CEO Rob Monster fights to keep Neo-Nazis online, Facebook took money from white supremacist candidate Paul Nehlen, YouTube’s algorithm helps radicalize viewers, and more.

HuffPost – The Bible-thumping tech CEO who’s proud of keeping Neo-Nazis online.
Sludge – Facebook took money from white nationalist candidate to promote Neo-Nazi podcast.
Right Wing Watch – Stefan Molyneux, the plagiarist.
Media Matters – What happens when the No. 1 cable news channel is steeped in white nationalist rhetoric?
Esquire – ‘New York Times’ falsely suggests everyone missed rise of right-wing extremism.
Truthout – As fascists infiltrate colleges, students want cops and racists out.
The Intercept – A Texas elementary school speech pathologist refused to sign a pro-Israel oath, now mandatory in many states — so she lost her job.
The Daily Beast – How YouTube built a radicalization machine for the far-right.
The New Republic – Why were so many journalists murdered in 2018?
Mother Jones – A federal judge just struck down Trump’s harsh restrictions on asylum.
HuffPost – Black residents of Virginia county worry they’ll be treated by white supremacist EMT.