‘Our Ideas Are Spreading’: White Nationalist Praises Tucker Carlson’s 1/6 Truther Special

Last week Fox News host Tucker Carlson released a trailer for Patriot Purge — a pseudodocumentary which casts the Jan. 6 insurrection as a false flag aimed at stripping away the constitutional rights of conservative patriots. The multi-part special, already criticized for spreading falsehoods, stars far-right propagandists like “Stop the Steal” organizer Ali Alexander and BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer.

Continue reading “‘Our Ideas Are Spreading’: White Nationalist Praises Tucker Carlson’s 1/6 Truther Special”

The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Last week ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of murdering George Floyd after a nearly month-long trial. Convictions of police officers over the killing of Black people are rare, and while many celebrated the verdict, far-right figures — including many white nationalists — were outraged.

Continue reading “The Far-Right Erupts After Derek Chauvin Guilty Verdict”

‘Groyper Army’ Fractures Amid Public Feud Between Patrick Casey And Nick Fuentes

Almost one year ago, the so-called “groyper army” — a group of racists and antisemites seeking to rebrand their bigotry as “America First” conservatism — held its first major gathering in Washington, D.C. The America First Political Action Conference (AFPAC) was created to compete with the Republican Party’s yearly CPAC gathering.

Continue reading “‘Groyper Army’ Fractures Amid Public Feud Between Patrick Casey And Nick Fuentes”

White Supremacists Boast About Crashing TPUSA Event

Updated | On October 27, 2019, the staff at Politicon — the annual non-partisan political conference held this year in Nashville, TN — were forced to deal with an unwanted presence. Continue reading “White Supremacists Boast About Crashing TPUSA Event”

White Supremacist Troll WildGoose Peddles Junk Science About Pit Bulls On Red Ice TV

On Friday evening’s episode of Red Ice TV, Identity Evropa leader Patrick Casey (filling in for Henrik Palmgren) sat down for an interview with WildGoose, a Gamergater, harasser, and white supremacist who is currently spearheading an anti-pit bull campaign. Continue reading “White Supremacist Troll WildGoose Peddles Junk Science About Pit Bulls On Red Ice TV”

Right-Wing Student Lake Ingle Tells Extremist Media Outlets He Was Discriminated Against

If you spend time at conservative news outlets you might learn that discrimination against conservatives — especially white, straight, male conservatives — is an epidemic on college campuses. Continue reading “Right-Wing Student Lake Ingle Tells Extremist Media Outlets He Was Discriminated Against”

Racist Gamergater Ethan Ralph Arrested for Assaulting a Police Officer

It’s actually about ethics in assaulting cops.

Having already written two articles on various men’s rights activists and anti-feminists appearing on a white supremacist podcast, I originally was going to pass on Ethan Ralph’s appearance on Radio 4Fourteen. Continue reading “Racist Gamergater Ethan Ralph Arrested for Assaulting a Police Officer”