White Supremacist Paul Nehlen Remains An Alt-Right Pariah After Doxing Ricky Vaughn

Months ago Ricky Vaughn, a prominent alt-right activist and troll, had his identity leaked by fellow white supremacist Paul Nehlen. Nehlen, a congressional candidate from Wisconsin, had a falling out with Vaughn and leaked his identity on Gab — a social media platform popular with bigots and conspiracy theorists.

In return, Nehlen was permanently banned from Gab and was shunned by white nationalists who once supported him, including Mike “Enoch” Peinovich, Richard Spencer, Spectre (of the Third Rail podcast), and Nick Fuentes. And if the July 19, 2018 episode of Ethan Ralph’s #Killstream is any indication, those feelings of resentment are still very much alive.

Nehlen was billed as the show’s primary guest, and discussed the doxing incident with Ralph and The Gator Gamer. It was fifty-one minutes into the nearly three and a half hour livestream when Ralph took his first caller, white nationalist vlogger Beardson Beardly, whose work has been shared on The Daily Stormer. Beardson asked Nehlen pointedly whether someone running for public office should dox critics.

Beardson Beardly
“Beardson Beardly” (Photo via Renegade Tribune)

Nehlen responded bluntly that yes, they should be able to do so when a critic is making false statements about politicians. To do otherwise would be to accept that politicians must “fight with one hand behind their back against anonymous attackers,” according to Nehlen.

Beardson, audibly surprised by this answer, reminded him that, “You have to, you’re running for public office. You have to represent your constituents. You don’t get to dox them.” He went on to say that if Nehlen didn’t have the “temperament to handle being investigated” by his constituents without retaliating, then “maybe you’re not cut out for this life.”

Beardson continued to question Nehlen’s judgment, alleging that Nehlen “had to turn [campaign staff members] over to the FBI,” and bringing up his ill-fated decision to hire a self-hating gay Jewish man as his campaign spokesman. That person, Josh Smith (a.k.a. Ebolamerican), was later replaced as Nehlen’s spokesman with anti-Semitic Culture of Critique author Kevin MacDonald. “I mean you’ve proven absolutely no skill other than just being quote unquote ‘pro-white,'” said Beardson.

When Nehlen pivoted by once again bringing up the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), an unpopular trade deal the scrapping of which he enjoys taking credit for, Beardson replied that he didn’t care. “You know what I don’t like is doxing,” he shot back. “I don’t like doxing people, and I don’t like people on our side having their lives ruined because someone got their feelings hurt.”

After blustering about having placed his “trust” in the wrong people, Nehlen was excoriated for hypocritically betraying others’ trust by handing out their information to the very “Jewish media” he constantly rails against. And when Nehlen targeted Vaughn for allegedly having worked for a Jew (according to Nehlen, the head of Vaughn’s Smartcheckr business was Jewish), Beardson once again pointed out that Nehlen hired a Jew as a campaign spokesman.

Listening to Paul Nehlen continuously fall into the same traps over and over again should be enough for his remaining fans to question his fitness for public office. It was a humiliating trainwreck — the debate equivalent of Sideshow Bob repeatedly stepping on rakes. In the end, Nehlen could only respond by baselessly calling Beardson a Jew and, after the call ended, uttering a dismissive “womp womp.”

If Nehlen struggled this hard when facing criticism from his own end of the ideological spectrum, perhaps Beardson’s right about one thing: It’s time to pack it in.