Stew Peters: Jon Stewart Is A ‘Subversive Jew’

During a recent trip to Russia, Tucker Carlson made a series of propaganda videos — including an interview with Vladimir Putin — designed to paint the country’s leadership in a positive light. While Carlson’s efforts were widely panned by people across the ideological spectrum, far-right figures like white nationalist Stew Peters defended him.

After Daily Show host Jon Stewart mocked one of Carlson’s videos, in which the ex-Fox News host marveled at Moscow’s coin-operated grocery carts, Peters attacked Stewart in antisemitic terms.

“So after Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin the globohomos are desperate to keep a handle on their narrative,” he told viewers. “To keep a lid on the truth, as they say. So now they’re trotting out one of their old faithful comrades to tap into the retards who still watch Comedy Central to get their news.”

Peters said that Stewart’s “real last name” is Leibowitz,” and falsely claimed that he changed it “so that people wouldn’t immediately realize that he’s a subversive Jew.”

While he was, in fact, born Jon Stuart Leibowitz, he changed his name to “Jon Stewart” due to his relationship with his estranged father, as he explained in a 2015 interview with The Guardian:

He jokingly recalls the time his older brother fired him from his first job at Woolworths as one of the defining, “scarring events” of his youth. But his parents’ divorce when he was 11 was clearly more so, prompting him to drop his surname and eventually legally change it to Stewart. He has described his relationship with his father as still “complicated”. “There was a thought of using my mother’s maiden name, but I thought that would be just too big a fuck you to my dad,” he says. “Did I have some problems with my father? Yes. Yet people always view it [changing his surname] through the prism of ethnic identity.”

So it was a family thing as opposed to a Jewish thing? “Right. So whenever I criticise Israel’s actions it’s [he puts on a Yiddishy accent] ‘He’s changed his name! He’s not a Jew! He hates himself!’ And I’m like, ‘I hate myself for a lot of reasons, but not because I’m Jewish.'”

Peters said that Stewart has been “thrust into the public eye, this time to attack Tucker, to attack Trump, to do a bunch of bitching and moaning and complaining about Vladimir Putin and scary Russian dictators on the other side of the world.”

He accused Stewart of making “attacks on the free press” and making “millions of dollars on fake news” — an attack that seems the slightest bit hypocritical from Peters. After all, he’s never met a deranged conspiracy theory he wasn’t willing to spread, from dinosaurs being “fake” to the Twin Towers being destroyed by energy weapons to outright Holocaust denial.

Peters went on, claiming that Stewart is “being brought out to try to embarrass Tucker” — a low bar, of course — and to “delegitimize the entire situation.”

“And this has been Stewart’s job for years now,” he said. “He takes legitimate political issues and turns them into idiotic lampoons of reality. And because he wears a tie and sits behind a fake news desk with a snide grin on his face, people are told to take him seriously. And for some reason a lot of them do.”

And he blamed Stewart’s “foray into the Tucker-Putin-Trump issue” on — what else? — “his bosses: the mockingbird media, disinformation agents at Jewish-run Paramount and CBS, who oversee Comedy Central.”

From the Feb. 23, 2024 episode of The Stew Peters Show