Elijah Schaffer Wants To ‘Abandon Multiculturalism’ In Favor Of ‘Anglo-Christian Zionism’

During the Sept. 29, 2023 episode of his show Slightly Offensive, ex-BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer remarked that he longed for “pre-60s Western civilization.” Schaffer also stated that he wanted to “abandon multiculturalism” and “multiethnic society,” and made comments indicating support for a white, Christian homeland.

“See, but this is why I get offended when people say this show is full of dog whistles, because I don’t even dog whistle anymore,” Schaffer said. “I’m just like open about my views on the world because I think everyone’s cringe and sucks.”

Schaffer said he was past the “Republican-Democrat argument,” and just wants to “close down our borders, deport these people, return back to normalcy, and get back to pre-60s Western civilization.” He added that, “I wanna abandon multiculturalism, abandon multiethnic society.”

He also said that he wanted to “get back into a place where we have core values” and “where communism is illegal,” and “kick out all the Bolshevik communists.”

Schaffer’s guest, who goes by the pseudonym “Australian Talk,” said that “they” — presumably referring to “communists” — “want us gone” and “want to uproot” society and “build it back up again how they see fit.” (An odd complaint given Schaffer’s desire to “kick out” people he considers “Bolshevik communists.”)

Australian Talk asked Schaffer, “What’s wrong with your country being for your people?”

Schaffer replied that there is “nothing wrong” with that, and said that there is “nothing I hate more than these white bullies who walk around and they’re like ‘We don’t need a homeland.'”

“It’s like, dude, listen man. Look, one of my favorite things that I found, and I don’t wanna go too far down this road,” Schaffer said before Australian Talk interrupted to say “Blood and soil” — a Nazi Party slogan used to “evoke the idea of a pure ‘Aryan’ race and the territory it wanted to conquer.”

Schaffer continued, accusing Republicans of “fight[ing] for other minorities to have a homeland.” Drawing parallels to Zionism and the state of Israel, Schaffer said that he wanted the same thing for white Christian nations.

“You know, somebody had accused this show of being anti-Jewish. And I wanna clarify this: in fact I am so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish, I just want to adopt the way Israelis treat Israel, and the way Jews treat Judaism, I want to adopt that, but for white, Western countries and Christianity,” he said.

Schaffer dubbed this belief “Anglo-Christendom” or “Anglo-Christian Zionism,” and said that he wants “to support our borders [and] the preservation of our people at the same level that Jews preserve their own.” (White nationalist Richard Spencer has made similar comments in the past, referring to himself in 2017 as a “white Zionist.”)

Schaffer praised other countries for “looking out for their own people, [and] their own racial group.” As examples he cited China which is “manipulating other countries and currencies,” and Russia which is “securing this no man’s land in Ukraine.”

He also lauded Hungary for “protecting its own border” and Israel for deporting Eritrean migrants, which he called “based as fuck.”

From the Sept. 29, 2023 episode of Slightly Offensive