‘Third Rail’ Hosts Call The Murder Of A French Holocaust Survivor ‘Poetic Justice’

On March 23, 2018, 85-year-old Mireille Knoll was brutally murdered in what is now being investigated as an anti-Semitic hate crime. Knoll, a wheelchair-bound Holocaust survivor, was stabbed 11 times and her Paris apartment was set ablaze. Two suspects have been taken into custody, but French authorities have confirmed little else besides the age of one of the alleged killers.

The Washington Post drew parallels to the high-profile murder of 66-year-old Sarah Halimi, who, in April 2017, was beaten and thrown out a window. Both Halimi and Knoll lived alone in the same district on Paris’ east side, and both had complained of threats and verbal abuse. Authorities in the Halimi case reportedly suspect a Muslim neighbor.

And while her death prompted an outpouring of grief in France, the hosts of the alt-right Third Rail podcast had different feelings. Both Spectre and Lauritz von Guildhausen believed Knoll’s death drew far too much coverage compared to the rape and murder of white Britons by Muslim immigrants.

Spectre lamented that the “rape and grooming and the murders and the acid attacks by Muslims on Englanders” “don’t even make news” for fear of “backlash,” while the “local story” of a murdered Holocaust survivor made news internationally. “What does that tell you about the value they put on English young girls, English [people] being attacked with acid, English people who are stabbed and beheaded, versus one French Holocaust survivor?” he asked.

It should be pointed out that Spectre, like many white nationalists, is a Holocaust denier who frequently jokes about the gassings and cremations at Nazi Germany’s many death camps.

And what little sympathy they have for Mireille Knoll is outweighed by their shared belief that she and other French Jews probably had it coming. Von Guildhausen brought up the murder of Sarah Halimi, whom he called an “elderly Khazar” who was “defenestrated by one of these ‘New Frenchmen.'”

He claimed it was “pretty funny” that bringing in “medieval people” results in “medieval acts.” Spectre joined in the celebrations by calling the murders “karma.” As far as he and von Guildhausen are concerned, since many Jews favor liberal immigration policies their deaths at the hands of non-whites are a form of divine retribution.

“It’s poetic justice, right?” von Guildhausen asked. “Poetic justice. I love it. I just — I see these stories and I laugh. And it’s not because I’m fundamentally a horrible human being, it’s because I know fine rightly that she spent probably two thirds of her life agitating for this bullshit. And now, she’s dead. By her own hand.”

Spectre once again agreed with his co-host, adding that Jews “spend their entire lives kvetching and neurotic about a repeat of the 1930s,” but “spend all their energy trying to create the 1920s that led to the 1930s. They keep creating Weimar, and then wonder why there’s a backlash.”

Seizing on the claim that Jews were expelled from 109 different countries since 250 CE, Spectre suggested that Jews were never unfairly persecuted, but rather punished for their own behavior. This belief is so popular among white nationalists that they’ve coined the saying “110 and never again” — signifying that there will be one final expulsion of Jews from gentile nations.

Spectre: When stories like the grooming and rape of 1,400 girls in Rotherham or 1,500 in…up in, I forget the name…the other city in…England…

von Guildhausen: Telford.

Spectre: …by…Telford, yes. The rape and grooming and the murders and the acid attacks by Muslims on Englanders — when those don’t even make news because if we mention it it might cause a backlash, and the backlash is far worse than the crime. But literally a stabbing murder of a 70-year-old woman — which, [I] agree was horrible that she was stabbed and burned — but it’s a local crime story. And it made international news. What does that tell you about the value they put on English young girls, English [people] being attacked with acid, English people who are stabbed and beheaded, versus one French Holocaust survivor?

von Guildhausen: Well I can put this into perspective for you as well because this person gets killed and she gets a 1,000 word article in the New York Times, laying out her entire life and her brave struggle, etc., and how atrocious it is. Meanwhile, I met some Americans flying back home to Norway after I’d been visiting, and we spoke and I mentioned Rotherham and Telford and all these places. Never heard of it. These people have never heard of the gargantuan rape scandal in Britain.

And that’s sorta where we are. I had to explain to them what happened, and I actually felt guilty because every word I spoke sounded like a frickin’ conspiracy theory, and they were giving me looks like, “What is this guy talking about?” And I could feel them looking at me that way, and I felt like a madman. And the worst part is all of it happened, all of it is easily verifiable. But because it’s not covered anywhere, and because it’s so out of anything people could even possibly imagining [sic] happening in a Western country, people look at you like you’re crazy.

Spectre: It sounds like something Alex Jones [would say], but it’s real, it happened, and you’re right — it’s an uncomfortable feeling where you’re like, “I’m coming across as a loon for explaining reality to people in clown world.” That’s where we are… Amazing… Alright. Well, we just gave her a lot more coverage as well, so… Good on us. We just did the bidding of our globalist masters.

von Guildhausen: Yeah, I guess.

Spectre: Alright.

von Guildhausen: I guess so.

Spectre: Well —

von Guildhausen: I just wanted to mention on a similar note, Jews are leaving Paris en masse — or France en masse, in fact. And two years ago apparently another elderly lady was — ha, I say “lady” — elderly Khazar was defenestrated by one of these “New Frenchmen.” And I thought that was pretty funny how you import medieval people, you get medieval acts.

Spectre: Well yeah. You import the Third World you get the Third World. But, it’s sort of almost like a karma — a lack of foresight these people have — because these are the same people that enacted policies that allow their country to be flooded by the Muslims who hate them but are driving them back to Israel —

von Guildhausen: It’s poetic justice, right? Poetic justice. I love it. I just — I see these stories and I laugh. And it’s not because I’m fundamentally a horrible human being, it’s because I know fine rightly that she spent probably two thirds of her life agitating for this bullshit. And now, she’s dead. By her own hand.

Spectre: Yeah it’s — the people who spend their entire lives kvetching and neurotic about a repeat of the 1930s spend all their energy trying to create the 1920s that led to the 1930s. They keep creating Weimar, and then wonder why there’s a backlash. So, yeah, it’s, like you said, poetic justice on one hand. It’s karma, whatever you wanna call it. But it also shows a fundamental lack of foresight and lack of self-awareness. It goes back to that thing, “Well, I’ve been kicked out of 109 places in the world. What’s wrong with the rest of the world?” You know, instead of, “What am maybe I doing wrong here?”