Lana Lokteff and Guests Dispense Alt-Right Dating Tips

Alt Right Dating Tips
Rejected ‘Brady Bunch’ intro.

In an episode of Radio 3Fourteen posted on April 11, 2017, host Lana Lokteff invited Bre Faucheux, Elora, and Rebecca to discuss femininity, traditionalist lifestyles, and — best of all — alt-right dating advice for women who are past their “fertile window.” Lokteff’s guests are, unsurprisingly, traditionalists and white nationalists who are quite vocal in their antiquated views.

Bre Faucheux describes herself as an alt-right author, and uses her blog to rail against “white genocide” and the “replacement of whites in their own countries.” Elora also goes by the name “Blonde Buttermaker” and calls herself a “YouTuber, homemaker, artist, mother, and contributor to Red Ice.” And Rebecca, also known as “Blonde in the Belly of the Beast,” describes herself as a conservative millennial who lives in “the liberal, fascist hellscape of Seattle” and speaks out against “globalism, feminism, Islam & government corruption.”

In other words, it’s basically The View if it were hosted by Eva Braun and her sewing circle.

Lana asked her guests what they would advise a 30-year-old woman to do if she “hasn’t met Mr. Right” — since she’s “heard from a few of those in the alt-right.” Elora — you know, the Blonde Buttermaker — said “don’t panic,” since women who watch Lana’s videos are “in the right place” and “definitely have enough time to correct it.”

Bre Faucheux added that they shouldn’t “be in a rush to make a bad decision” since they “still have a little bit of time to be picky.” And for women who don’t find Mr. Right or whose “fertile window” closes? You can still be useful by adopting a baby. I mean, a white one anyway. There are, after all, “lots of white babies out there that need love, as far as adoption.”

Elora agreed. “Yeah, that’s true. Everyone wants to adopt babies from overseas, but what about taking care of our own?” she asked. “Right. And they tell women and men these days ‘You’re more moral if you adopt a black baby’ or something,” Bre added. “So, there’s lots of white babies out there that need affection in the adoption system.”

Lokteff: So what if a woman is over 30 and she’s starting to freak out because she hasn’t met Mr. Right? I’ve heard from a few of those in the alt-right. Words of advice for that lady.

Elora: I would say don’t panic. Don’t panic, and if you’re at that place you’re in the right spot. If you’re watching all of Lana’s videos, just take a deep breath, and watch all of these videos because you’re in the right place, and you definitely have enough time to correct it.

Faucheux: And don’t be in a rush to make a bad decision, either. You still have a little bit of time to be picky. Don’t get so panicked that you’re “Oh my god. I’m 30. I’ve gotta get married. I gotta have kids.” You still wanna make sure you find the right person, ’cause this is a lifetime commitment you’re making here. And even if things do go a little bit slowly and you find somebody after your fertile window kinda closes, there are lots of white babies out there that need love, as far as adoption.

Elora: Yeah, that’s true. Everyone wants to adopt babies from overseas, but what about taking care of our own?

Faucheux: Right. And they tell women and men these days “You’re more moral if you adopt a black baby” or something. So, there’s lots of white babies out there that need affection in the adoption system.

Lokteff: Rebecca?

Rebecca: I mean, my sister, she had her first baby at 31 and, even though we live in Seattle, she was still the youngest person by several years in her birthing class. So I’m 29 and I have a boyfriend but I’m not married yet, so I understand this freakin’ out. It’s like in the pit of your stomach, just like absolute panic, like “What if I don’t have a family? Oh my god.” But you just have to — I need to take my own advice on this one — but you have to control the panic and try to make good decisions through it. That’s all I can say about that.

Lokteff: Yeah.

Elora: I also think you have enough time. I have a large group of mom friends and actually most of them are 35 to 37. And I think having children that late in life is better than not having children at all. And if you’ve gotten this far without finding a spouse like that and having children, you may have been operating under the masculinized feminine for too long, and you should take a step back and ask yourself what areas of your life you need to really reconsider and reevaluate.

Lana also found herself daydreaming about an Aryan utopia in which she and other like-minded whites could focus “on high culture” and “making beautiful art and beautiful architecture” and even “another Renaissance.” Alas, these are “not the times that we live in.” Instead, white people need to focus on teaching their children how to “think right” and exposing the “propaganda.”

Bre said that this would prepare white children for “the harshness of this anti-white culture we’re going through right now” — you know, where white people just have most of the power instead of all of it.

Then Lana asked what their idea of the “ideal alt-right woman” would be. “I would say the ideal alt-right woman takes care of her man, and he takes care of her,” Bre replied. She also advised people to “try to strive for a traditional lifestyle of the woman being at home with the kids, and the man as the breadwinner,” though she acknowledged that this isn’t always possible.

Lana added that this isn’t the “old, traditional [situation] where the woman cooks every single meal and the guy never helps and he doesn’t know how to do anything,” which, she insists, is how the “Leftist media” prefers to portray alt-right, anti-feminist women. Apparently they haven’t been paying attention to the alt-right, anti-feminist men.

Lokteff: Yeah. I mean I wish we lived in a world where we had our ideal European society and we were just focusing on high culture, and progressing in ways that were actually important, and making beautiful art and beautiful architecture, and another Renaissance. I wish that’s the times that we have lived in. And I long for that.

But unfortunately that’s not the times that we live in. So we’re in a different generation. We’re kind of — our back is up against the wall, so we’re forced to kinda step up in different ways where I think a lot of our mothers maybe should’ve, our grandparents maybe should’ve.

Elora: Right.

Lokteff: So we have a lot of slack to make up for, for our children and I feel it’s our duty to do these things. It’s not enough just to feed your kids right. You also have to fight for them and teach them to think right, show them the propaganda. These things are important.

Elora: Yeah, it’s our duty to correct what went wrong in the future generation. Absolutely.

Faucheux: And also it prepares them for the harshness of this anti-white culture we’re going through right now, and it teaches them how to defend themselves.

Lokteff: Yeah ’cause generally wasn’t it always women — thinking back of Pagan societies and whatnot — it was women that were in charge of educating the children, right? In the schools. Weren’t they the schoolteachers?

Elora: Mhmm.

Lokteff: So in your mind, what is the ideal alt-right woman? What is she like? Who wants to jump in there first?

Faucheux: I always say I don’t like to idolize the perfect figure of what you ought to be because you’re not them, they’re not you, have your own expectations —

Lokteff: [Unclear] — to have an archetype, maybe some goals to kinda strive for, right?

Faucheux: Yeah, yeah, yeah, of course. I would say the ideal alt-right woman takes care of her man, and he takes care of her. Kinda try to strive for a traditional lifestyle of the woman being at home with the kids, and the man as the breadwinner. It doesn’t always have to be the case. It can’t always be the case these days because sometimes both couples have to work just out of necessity with the economy. But definitely try to give your children an education that’s free of cultural Marxism, I think is a big feature that you should be idolizing.

Elora: I think also the ideal woman would also be connected to nature. That’s a good way to help re-center yourself and calm yourself. Just go outside for a little while and touch the earth with your skin. I think that would really help women to learn how to balance themselves.

Rebecca: Yeah, and along that thread, to have a wide variety of skills. Like a huge breadth and skill set. So like being able to change a diaper and to cook and to do all the domestic stuff, but also have some basic handyman skills. Be somewhat independent. I think that’s important for all women.

Lokteff: I mean for me I’m lucky ’cause I was always surrounded by Renaissance men. My father, my brother — they could cook, they could do things around the house —

Faucheux: Nice.

Lokteff: — but they were gentlemen. And I was lucky enough to marry someone like that. Because for me, it was — and I think it is for a lot of women — it is a turn-off when a guy can’t boil an egg or help change the baby’s diaper or something.

And that’s where I think alt-right couples are different, and alt-right men are different. It’s not just the old, traditional where the woman cooks every single meal and the guy never helps and he doesn’t know how to do anything. And that’s how a lot of the Leftist media’s trying to portray women like us, and being anti-feminist —

Elora: Yes, they are.

Lokteff: — that we’re just serving our husbands, and that our husbands can’t do anything for themselves and they don’t help for themselves.

Elora: That’s gonna wear out so quickly. They’re just beating a dead horse with that. And hopefully we’re showing them that that is — stop using that because it’s… I think the fastest way — talking about dating — the fastest way to kill sex drive in a relationship is if your man is, if you’re just picking up after him and you’re the maid, you know?

Yeah, I love when my husband comes home from work and I have a good meal. I feel so proud and I feel like I’m helping him to do better in supporting me. But also, men should pick up after themselves and stuff like that because you don’t wanna be their mother or their maid. You wanna be their partner, and you guys work together.