Elijah Schaffer Claims That ‘Racism’s A Good Thing’

Elijah Schaffer is a racist, anti-LGBTQ, and antisemitic propagandist who has openly defended white nationalists. As such, it was unsurprising that Schaffer used his Rumble show, Slightly Offensive, to tell his audience that they should wear accusations of racism as a “badge of honor,” and that “racism’s a good thing.”

Schaffer pulled up what appeared to be a Daily Mail article about an attempted car-jacking in Melbourne by a Black man wielding a hammer. Schaffer complained that Melbourne was once “considered one of the top ten safest and most livable cities,” but is now a “shithole.”

“And it’s also, like, the white population has decreased like 30%,” he said.

“And there’s a direct correlation, ’cause diversity as we know means less white. Diversity has nothing to do with diversity. Nowhere in the world wants diversity. If there’s a place that’s non-white, that’s diverse — a.k.a. becomes more white — that’s colonialization. That’s imperialism. That’s racism. That’s theft.”

Schaffer also chided Baby Boomers for using terms like “Western countries” when referring to countries whose populations are mostly white. “We have countries. We have borders. We have people, and we have values,” he declared. “‘You mean Christian nations.’ White nations. Yes.”

He also told his audience that if people refer to them as “racist” or “antisemitic” they should wear such terms as a “badge of honor.”

“Why is it that people are so afraid of being called names?” he asked. “Wear it with a badge of honor. [If] people call you racist, good, that means you probably think well. If people call you a xenophobe that means you probably research well. And if people call you an antisemite it probably means you just know the truth.”

From the Apr. 1, 2024 episode of Slightly Offensive

Schaffer continued along this train of thought, playing a clip of a song that accused “the Left” of being the “real racists.” After mocking the song and the woman who played it, Schaffer claimed that racism is actually a “good thing.”

“You know what’s even a crazier idea? Racism’s a good thing,” he said. “That’s even like — that’s kind of a hot statement. But it actually is a good thing. And the reason why I know it’s a good thing is ’cause it’s a powerful tool. And, to give the song credence, the Left uses racism all the time, just against white people, right?”

“They know racism’s powerful,” he continued.

“Collectivizing groups based on shared interests against other groups that have different interests is actually an effective tool towards accomplishing group goals. So when they’re saying the Left is the real racist, they’re saying the Left is the only one who admits the power of racism and uses it to their advantage.”

From the Apr. 1, 2024 episode of Slightly Offensive