Gab Has An Anti-Semitic Meltdown After Microsoft Threatens To Stop Hosting It

Today it was reported that Gab, the number one social network for white supremacist Cro-Magnons, was given an ultimatum by Microsoft: delete a pair of violently anti-Semitic posts within 48 hours, or it will no longer host the site. The author of the offending posts, Neo-Nazi Patrick Little, opted to “cuck” rather than get the whole site “Shoah’d.”

This wasn’t the first time Gab was forced to back down from its motto, “Speak freely.” Last year, Gab’s domain registrar AsiaRegistry forced Gab CEO Andrew Torba to remove a post by Neo-Nazi and Daily Stormer founder Andrew Anglin. And after that Torba banned another Neo-Nazi, Andrew “weev” Auernheimer, for seemingly endorsing the Oklahoma City bombing.

But this was the first time it caused Gab, or rather whoever manages its Twitter account, to have a full-scale anti-Semitic meltdown. After the two posts were removed, liberal grifter Brian Krassenstein called for Gab to be taken offline altogether — seemingly emboldened by the recent decision of several tech giants to ban right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

The Twitter account @getongab retweeted Krassenstein’s tweet with the following barely-disguised anti-Semitic insult: “Dude named ‘Krassenstein’ doesn’t support free speech. Imagine my shock.”


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Shortly thereafter it retweeted Krassenstein a second time, remarking, “It’s time for open borders for Israel” — a slogan favored by ex-Klan leader David Duke.


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It then retweeted the alt-right account Glorious White Male, who wrote, “There’s no such thing as anti-Semitism only Jewish fragility.” @getongab responded with, “Please be careful with this type of wrong think on twitter dot com.”


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It followed up by retweeting Krassenstein’s tweet a third time, stating this time that Krassenstein should “move to Israel or something.”


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And it really ratcheted up the racism by citing a Bible verse that referred to certain Jews as the “synagogue of Satan”:


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And finally @getongab tweeted this cryptic message about censorship:


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Oh but they’re not alt-right. Nope. Not at all. Really, it’s totally cool.


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I mean, honestly, where would people even get such an idea?