Lauren Southern Tells PizzaGate ‘Journalist’ That ‘Cultural Marxism’ is Destroying the Family Unit


In January, Brittany Pettibone, a self-styled expert on the PizzaGate sex-trafficking hoax, had mentioned the fact that she would be hosting a new show that would be dedicated to “values that once made Western Civilization great, including but not limited to the glorification of the nuclear family, motherhood, masculinity, femininity, etiquette, traditional gender roles and love of one’s own culture, race and country.”

Pettibone’s GoFundMe campaign to raise money for the show was removed, however, for violating the crowdfunding site’s terms of service. Nevertheless, her inaugural episode of Virtue of the West recently aired, with far-right pundit Lauren Southern as the show’s first guest. And in addition to plugging her latest book, Southern discussed “cultural Marxism” and its supposed effects on the family unit.

Pettibone’s co-host Tara McCarthy lamented the “information” that is “hidden from girls [and] women” — for example, that fertility “decline[s] after age 35.” Pettibone agreed, claiming that women are told to “have all your fun in your 20s and then just worry about it in your 30s” before getting married. “But the problem is most of the good people are gone by the time you’re 30, or, you know, you’re kind of just — like you’re past your prime, almost, for the most part.”

Southern chimed in to claim that it is a “fact” that women “hit a wall” after which point they are no longer sexually desirable. This talking point is often regurgitated among men’s rights activists (MRAs), men going their own way (MGTOW), pickup artists (PUAs), and other red pill dolts. At the misogynistic PUA hub Return of Kings, one writer described it as “the point in time in which a woman sees her value to the opposite sex fall drastically.”

Likewise, at the Red Pill subreddit, it has been asserted that a “women’s [sic] wall is devastating for a women’s [sic] sexual market value” and that for men it means “there is one less attractive woman on the market.” One redditor wrote that women “are like flowers” in that they “bloom gloriously, then rot.” Another wrote that women “just don’t want their beta slaves uprising and preventing her soft landing when flung off the cock carousel.”

According to Southern, when men are “at their peak” and “most successful,” they prefer younger women. “So if you wait longer and longer, those guys that you’re gonna wanna marry, you’re gonna wanna be with for the rest of your life, they’re gonna be able to find tons and tons of young girls that decided not to slut it up and wanna be with them, right?” She further asserted that (unnamed) “studies show” that women with higher numbers of sexual partners are less happy upon marrying.

Circling back to McCarthy’s point, that information is being “hidden” from women, Southern said that the reason for this “hidden” information is that certain people have a “cultural Marxist agenda that wants to destroy the family.” Pettibone said that these “cultural Marxists” “started with the family unit” and moved on from there. Southern replied that the reason for this is that the family is “the first nationalist unit,” followed by “the community, and then the state.”

“They wanna get rid of state sovereignty because they want control at an even higher level. They want the control at the EU. They want the control at the UN,” Southern asserted.

McCarthy: And a lot of information’s hidden from girls [and] women.

Pettibone: Yeah.

McCarthy: Like, I knew so many women who were absolutely shocked when they found out that fertility was going to decline after age 35. Like they just never heard this before. So they thought they could just kind of, you know, have a career until they’re 40 or something and then start having kids. And it doesn’t really work that way.

Pettibone: Yeah. Exactly. Well that’s what women are told —

Southern: Right.

Pettibone: It’s like, have all your fun in your 20s and then just worry about it in your 30s, and, you know, get married or look for a partner then, whatever. But the problem is most of the good people are gone by the time you’re 30, or, you know, you’re kind of just — like you’re past your prime, almost, for the most part. It’s just, it’s so much more difficult because I know women that have done this and I see the struggle, so…

Southern: Women hit a wall. It’s just a fact. They hit a wall. When guys get at their peak, most successful, they like younger women. So if you wait longer and longer, those guys that you’re gonna wanna marry, you’re gonna wanna be with for the rest of your life, they’re gonna be able to find tons and tons of young girls that decided not to slut it up and wanna be with them, right?

Yeah, and a lot of girls, like — and speaking of the information hidden from women, the fact that the more sexual partners you have leads to lower happiness levels in your marriage. That is just a fact, the studies show that. And once again, not controlling, you do you, but absolutely young girls should be told this.

Why are we trying to hide information that will lead to higher happiness and purpose in life? Why are we trying to hide that? Oh, right, a cultural Marxist agenda that wants to destroy the family. I forgot about that one.

Pettibone: Yeah, it seems like they started with the family unit — you know, the smallest — and now they’re starting with [the] cultural unit. They’re trying to break up the culture. So they’re expanding with families, larger and larger. And it’s really troubling.

Southern: I talk about it in my book. The reason they’re attacking the family is because [it’s] the first nationalist unit. Then of course there’s the community, and then the state. Now they’re going after state sovereignty. So it’s going higher and higher levels. They wanna get rid of state sovereignty because they want control at an even higher level. They want the control at the EU. They want the control at the UN.

So the sovereignty of the individual is getting even further and further away. It is getting even less and less personal. We feel so disconnected from our governments.

So disconnected from the people that are supposed to be there to care and help from [sic] us. So not only do we feel disconnected from our family — which, we’re supposed to be the first unit of support — we feel disconnected from our community because those have been taken away from us and put at a more federal level. And now our federal level, we’re feeling disconnected from them.

And now it’s at a national level, we can’t even talk to the people that are supposed to be supporting us and helping us. We just pay their freaking checks, we just pay their salaries. And we are faceless, voiceless consumers for globalists who use, quite frankly. It’s really, really sad to see what’s happening.