Tim Pool Hosts Misogynistic ‘Trad Wife’ Panel

On Friday, right-wing streamer Tim Pool hosted a panel discussion on feminism for Tenet Media — an outlet operated by BlazeTV host Lauren Chen and her husband. While it was billed as a debate about the so-called “trad wife” phenomenon, the panelists also railed against sex work, women in leadership positions, and women’s suffrage.

It was clear at the outset that there was little daylight between the views of the panelists — including Lauren Chen, conspiracy theorist Rachel Wilson (who “wrote a book about the Luciferian occult roots of feminist ideology”), antisemitic manosphere influencer Hannah Pearl Davis, and white nationalist Isabella Riley Moody.

When Tim Pool asked if they “all agree[d] with the idea of patriarchy,” every panelist replied in the affirmative.

Lauren Chen added the caveat that she favors “biblical patriarchy,” explaining that “the father’s role at the head of the household, it comes from God. … If he is not conducting himself in a godly manner that aligns with the way Christ treats his bride, the church, then that’s actually not biblical patriarchy.”

After Chen spoke, Rachel Wilson chimed in to say that she prefers patriarchy regardless of whether men conduct themselves in a “godly manner,” claiming that most women opposed suffrage because they could not “rule society” or “defend persons and property.”

“If women can’t do that, why give us political power? Why give us voting rights?” Wilson asked. “Then we might have to get drafted. We might have to show up for jury duty. Things like that. So I think to say, ‘Well, we’ll let the men rule as long as they’re doing it in a way that we feel is Christian’ or things like that is kind of beside the point.”

She further said that “women only have an illusion of authority right now,” because if men collectively decided to roll back “women’s rights” by force, they would be unable to prevent it.

From the May 17, 2024 episode of The Culture War with Tim Pool

The panelists appeared to blame most — if not all — of society’s ills on women, but disagreed as to whether men bore responsibility for letting it happen. Isabella Riley Moody, for example, complained that men “allowed women to have this power,” while Hannah Pearl Davis claimed that men are powerless thanks to women’s suffrage.

Davis said that “even if [men] do vote, women will always outvote men because there’s more women than men.”

Moody responded by attacking sex workers, stating that “the reason why so many girls are on OnlyFans or are whores is because men still sleep with them” and pay for OnlyFans subscriptions. She said that men could stop this by deciding not to “give women and feminists the time of day.”

Davis, unsurprisingly, said that “women want to be on OnlyFans because they enjoy being whores.”

But the two did agree that women should never be in leadership positions. “And because, like you said earlier, when women get power they’re terrible, they don’t know what to do because they’re — they are [sic] higher rates of mental illness, they’re just way more abusive, they are power-hungry,” Moody said.

From the May 17, 2024 episode of The Culture War with Tim Pool

Every panelist also supported heavy restrictions on the right to vote.

Chen, for example, reiterated her opposition to the 19th Amendment, which extended the franchise to women, suggesting that doing so would be the only way to constitutionally prevent women from voting. Davis agreed that the 19th Amendment should be repealed, reasoning that men and women “don’t do equal work.”

But she hesitated when Chen asked if she would likewise support repealing the 15th Amendment. Passed in the aftermath of the Civil War, the 15th Amendment prohibits the federal government and the states from denying the right to vote “on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”

“Um, I don’t think so. But I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it. Is that what you think?” Davis asked.

“Well I’m for, like, service guaranteeing citizenship,” Chen said.

“And I don’t — just like, I don’t think being a woman should give you the right to vote. I think the same thing applies to race. And if we were to do something like net taxpayer — sorry — property owner, etc. or even like married households, Black people wouldn’t be disproportionately underrepresented like women would be.”

Tim Pool proposed his own solution as well: a constitutional amendment declaring that “voting shall be granted only to those who have two children or more, and are actively in the lives of those children.” Though he added that wasn’t sure “how you make that legal.”

From the May 17, 2024 episode of The Culture War with Tim Pool