Dave Reilly: Opponents Of Idaho’s Death Penalty Bill Might Be Pedophiles

The Idaho House recently passed HB 515, a bill which would allow for people who commit sex crimes against children under the age of 12 to be sentenced to death. The bill is flagrantly unconstitutional, as a co-sponsor acknowledges, but is being championed by the far-right, including white nationalist Dave Reilly.

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Kootenai County GOP Chair Doubles Down On Support For Antisemitic Candidate

In late September a candidate for school board in Post Falls, ID was exposed as an antisemitic, homophobic, and misogynistic troll. The candidate, Dave Reilly, who was endorsed by the Kootenai County Republican Party, had tweeted that Iran should have bombed Israel, and that women shouldn’t have the right to vote.

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Kootenai County GOP Endorses Antisemite For School Board In Post Falls, Idaho

In late August, antisemite Dave Reilly announced his intention to run for a school board position. Reilly, who promoted the white supremacist “Unite the Right” rally and repeatedly disparaged Jews, gay people, and women on social media, has been endorsed by white supremacists. Most crucially, however, Reilly has support from his local GOP.

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White Nationalist Podcasters Mock Debate Question On Child Separation Policy

During the second and final presidential debate, President Trump was asked about a recent report that the government cannot find the parents of approximately 545 migrant children. The families were separated in accordance with a draconian “zero tolerance” policy enacted by the Trump administration in 2017 and ramped up in 2018.

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An AFPAC Attendee Sued Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist.’ A Judge Just Threw Out His Case.

Although the so-called groypers — a movement of far-right individuals who champion racist and xenophobic policies — claim they are not white nationalists, available evidence suggests otherwise. Continue reading “An AFPAC Attendee Sued Over Being Called A ‘White Nationalist.’ A Judge Just Threw Out His Case.”