Headlines — 11/11/16


Paul Ryan puts the privatization of Medicare on the table, the “Trump effect” is harming minority school children, George Zimmerman is kicked out of a Florida bar after calling someone a “nigger lover,” and more.

The Nation – What will the Supreme Court look like in a Donald Trump presidency?
NY Mag – Paul Ryan says Medicare privatization is on.
Vice – How the ‘Trump effect’ is making school hell for minority students.
Think Progress – Trump’s top domestic policy adviser says being gay is a ‘lifestyle’ that ‘can be changed.’
Salon – Yes, the white male anger that fueled Trump’s victory was real — but it isn’t valid.
The Intercept – Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump will have terrifying powers. Thanks Obama.
AlterNet – Anti-Trump protests spread to states where Trump overwhelmingly won.
Raw Story – George Zimmerman kicked out of Florida bar after racist clash with waitress.
Truthout – Dr. Orange: The secret nemesis of sick veterans.
Hatewatch – Transgender homicides hit national record with Virginia killing.