Tucker Carlson Removed Portions Of YouTube Version Of Aaron Rodgers Interview

On a recent episode of his online show, Tucker Carlson interviewed NFL quarterback and anti-vaxxer Aaron Rodgers. The interview was broadcast on both YouTube and X (formerly Twitter). However, Carlson surreptitiously cut several portions out of the YouTube version in which the pair push conspiracies about vaccines and population control.

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‘Wake Up, People! They’re Lying To You!’: White Nationalist Stew Peters Has An Antisemitic Meltdown

On The Stew Peters Show, a segment on receiving blood from vaccinated donors went off the rails after its host began ranting about Jews. During an interview with Infowars contributor Matt Baker, Peters went on an angry, antisemitic tirade about how “the Jews have infiltrated literally everywhere” and appeared to call for the assassination of government officials.

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Right-Wing Author Bethany Mandel Announces Campaign For Board Of Education In Maryland

Bethany Mandel’s decision to run for Board of Education in Montgomery County, Maryland seems like perplexing choice. The self-described “homeschooling mother of six” is a right-wing author who supportsschool choice.” Montgomery County, on the other hand, skews heavily Democratic, with nearly 80% of voters in 2020 casting their ballots for Joe Biden.

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Alex Jones Calls For Mass Executions Of People Responsible For COVID-19 Vaccine

In a tirade about the COVID-19 pandemic, Infowars host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones called for mass executions of people who developed and promoted the vaccine. Claiming that they were responsible for the deaths of 20,000,000 people, Jones demanded that Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and others be publicly hanged.

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Cynthia McKinney: The U.S. Staged A ‘Coup’ In Ukraine And ‘Put Zionist Jews In Control’

On his eponymous Rumble show, white nationalist broadcaster Stew Peters interviewed ex-congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. McKinney told Peters that Israelis have “penetrated” the U.S. government, and that the U.S. “put Zionist Jews in control” of Ukraine after staging a “coup” in 2014.

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Stew Peters Believes ‘Directed Energy Weapon’ Destroyed The World Trade Center

White nationalist Stew Peters has voiced support for increasingly deranged conspiracy theories on everything from COVID-19 to dinosaurs to the moon landing. In an episode of his Stew Peters Show on Sept. 11, 2023, Peters added a new conspiracy theory to that list: that the World Trade Center was actually destroyed by “directed energy weapons.”

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‘Timcast IRL’ Co-Host Promotes Conspiracies About Ukraine, 9/11, And COVID-19

On the Sept. 1, 2023 episode of The Stew Peters Show, Timcast IRL co-host Ian Crossland made a guest appearance where he called COVID-19 a “bioweapon,” claimed that there may be a plan to assassinate President Biden and frame Vladimir Putin, and suggested that the twin towers were brought down in a controlled demolition.

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‘Kennedy’s Already Won’: Tucker Carlson Defends RFK Jr.’s Anti-Vaccine Conspiracy Theories

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been in the news a lot recently, mostly for his crackpot views on everything from vaccines and chemtrails to racial bioweapons and the origins of AIDS. Outside of the political fringe Kennedy has few, if any, defenders. One of them, disgraced former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, devoted a 20-minute Twitter vlog to attacking his critics.

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In 2021, RFK Jr. Told QAnon Influencer That Vaccine Mandates Violate The Nuremberg Code

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is one of the country’s most vocal anti-vaxxers with longstanding ties to far-right figures and conspiracy theorists. On Mar. 29, 2021, Kennedy appeared on Bards of War, a podcast hosted by Scott Kesterson, a QAnon influencer who pleaded guilty in 2017 to stealing thousands of dollars in donations collected for a friend’s cancer treatment.

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RFK Jr.’s Podcast Is A Right-Wing Circus

On Feb. 2, 2021, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. aired the first episode of his RFK Jr Podcast. In this inaugural episode, Kennedy — currently a presidential candidate — denounced what he called a “coup d’état” by “Big Tech” and the “global public health cartel led by Bill Gates and the WHO.” Since then, under the guise of promoting a progressive, green agenda, Kennedy has given a platform to a slew of conspiracy theorists and bigots.

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