Tim Pool: ‘I Would Like To See 10,000 People’ Order ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ And ‘Leviticus’ Cakes

On The Culture War with Tim Pool, right-wing podcaster Tim Pool suggested people inundate their local bakeries with requests for cakes bearing far-right and bigoted slogans. Pool said that he wanted “10,000 people” to request “‘It’s Okay To Be White’ cakes, and some Leviticus cakes,” and sue if bakeries refuse.

Pool also falsely claimed that Washington state would allow a pedophile to kidnap a child from out-of-state in order to have them castrated.

Speaking with Jeremy Carl, a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, and Jeremy Tedesco, an attorney for the anti-LGBTQ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom, Pool sided with anti-gay bakers who refuse to make wedding cakes for same-sex couples in violation of nondiscrimination laws.

In order to counter this, he suggested right-wing customers ask bakers to make cakes with offensive slogans, and, if the bakers refuse, sue them for discrimination. “I would like to see 10,000 people request of their bakeries some ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ cakes, and some Leviticus cakes,” Pool said.

“It’s Okay To Be White” is a 4chan meme often used by white nationalists, while Leviticus refers to verses in the Bible’s Old Testament which are often interpreted as proscribing homosexuality.

Pool predicted that, if the media were forced to report on “10,000 discrimination instances” in which bakers refused to bake cakes with quotes from the Book of Leviticus, it would “completely [undermine] the position the Left has on nondiscrimination.”

Jeremy Carl agreed and said he would “love to see us do it.”

“And your worst case scenario is you get a cake,” Pool said cheerfully. “Look at that. You bring home a Leviticus cake to your family. You bring it to church. Everybody gets a piece. They all laugh together. And that’s the end of it and it’s like you spent 30 bucks. Everybody’s laughin’. Or, the bakery refuses. You go to local media or you pursue a suit or whatever.”

“And then there’s 10,000 lawsuits for religious discrimination,” he continued. “Yeah, I wonder about this. If Christians — if white people — really want to stop being discriminated against in the areas where they are, they’re going to have to assert their right to — or that demand that you don’t do this.”

When Pool mentioned the idea of a “White Power” cake — referencing an explicitly white supremacist slogan — Jeremy Carl said that “you wanna be more careful,” but the slogan could still be something “more edgy” than “It’s Okay To Be White.”

From the June 7, 2024 episode of The Culture War with Tim Pool

Later in the show, Pool made false claims about a Washington law intended to protect children seeking gender-affirming and reproductive care. The law allows licensed youth and homeless shelters to contact the state’s child services department in lieu of a minor’s parents.

The child services department could then attempt to reunite the family.

Right-wing detractors, however, have misrepresented the law to claim that it allows for the kidnapping of children from parents who oppose gender-affirming care.

And according to Tim Pool, “if a child is taken by force, without the parents’ permission, from any other state and brought to Washington for a sex change, the state will not intervene in law enforcement operations to reunite the child with the parents.”

He then predicted that, “Sooner or later, someone’s kid gets kidnapped by a pedophile off TikTok, ends up in Washington for a castration. And some dad’s gonna get a posse. And then you’ve got a nightmare scenario on your hand.”

From the June 7, 2024 episode of The Culture War with Tim Pool