Stew Peters Continues To Defend ‘Heroic’ Nazi Book Burnings

In March, Holocaust denier and white nationalist Stew Peters dedicated a segment on his Rumble show to defending the Nazi book burnings and their destruction of Germany’s Institute for Sexual Research. Peters called those book burnings “awesome” and said that Adolf Hitler was a “hero” for it.

On the latest episode of The Stew Peters Show, the far-right broadcaster doubled down, proclaiming that Nazi book burnings were “heroic.”

Peters denounced Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish German sexologist and pioneer for LGBTQ rights, as a “subversive Jewish pervert,” and claimed his Institute for Sexual Research was used by “perverts and subversives” to “spread their disgusting virus all over the world.” The Institute was ransacked by Nazi youth groups in 1933, which Peters applauded.

“It was raided by German students shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power, and the works of Hirschfield [sic], along with the piles of pornography, including child porn, went up in flames,” he boasted. “All of it was burnt. … Turned to ash. What an heroic act that was.”

Peters also railed against the Berlin Senate’s decision to designate May 14th as “Magnus Hirschfeld Day.”

“In Germany, which has been completely overhauled by communists, and perverts, and pedophiles with a vendetta against the German people,” he spat, “May 14th of this year was declared Magnus Hirschfield [sic] Day. In Berlin. That country’s capital city. And it was done at the behest of Berlin’s so-called Queer Liaison Officer.”

As he continued his tirade, Peters declared that “Adolf Hitler and the rise of the National Socialists may be the most lied about people in world history,” and complained that “queers and trannies and pedophiles are being lionized as the ultimate victims of the Nazis.”

“So it was a Holocaust against pedophiles,” he said, mockingly. “Because we’re not gonna deny the Holocaust. Bad things happened. Atrocities happened. Horrific things happened. Yeah. It was a war. It was a world war. But that world war, the purpose or the cause of that war, was not the Holocaust in which six million Jews were killed.”

Earlier this year Peters devoted a segment of his show to casting doubt on the number of Jews murdered in the Holocaust, and whether the gas chambers or crematoria at Auschwitz ever existed. And as recently as Sunday he implied on X (formerly Twitter) that Anne Frank’s diary was “FAKE and fraudulent.”

Peters concluded by proclaiming: “The Nazis were fighting perverts and pedophiles. I’m absolutely not afraid to say that. Nazis were fighting against perverts and pedophiles. And some of those acts, including those Nazi book burnings as they’re called, were heroic acts.”

From the June 5, 2024 episode of The Stew Peters Show

I spoke on this program about the destruction of Berlin’s Institute of Sexology, where subversive Jewish pervert Magnus Hirschfield [sic] pioneered the modern LGBT movement. He pioneered it then. He even performed primitive, disgusting transgender mutilation surgeries on gay men. It was at the Hirschfield [sic] Institute of Sexology that perverts and subversives laid plans to spread their disgusting virus all over the world, taking a specific interest, of course, in Christian and European nations as well as the United States — also a Christian nation, founded under God. Which we will return it to.

I think a lot of people think I’m bullshitting about this extreme accountability stuff. They’re scared to death because I’m not. I’m dead serious. You wanna call us extremists? Let me show you extreme.

But like I said, the freaks then were defeated. In fact, Berlin’s Institute of Sexology was the site of the largest and most famous book burnings in history. It was raided by German students shortly after Adolf Hitler came to power, and the works of Hirschfield [sic], along with the piles of pornography, including child porn, went up in flames. All of it was burnt. It was removed from the face of the planet, and then the fun spread to at least 34 other German cities in a matter of days. With the works of Hirschfield [sic] and his colleagues being ripped from the shelves all over the country and set to fire. Turned to ash. What an heroic act that was.

People wonder — people wonder about why millions upon millions of people supported the rise of the National Socialists. These people were backed into a corner. They were pushed to a breaking point. And they broke. When it came to standing for something, they chose to stand for their children. Are there any real men left among us that will stand for our children? These people will flee like Hirschfield [sic] died. He fled the country. He went to France. He died a few years later, never returning to his former place of prominence among the perverts of the world who suddenly became stateless after thriving in the Judeo-republic of Weimar Germany.

In short, the destruction of Hirschfield’s [sic] demonic work was part of a massive cleansing process. It was beautiful. And it must take place once again for the sake of our children and all that is decent. And it will take place again. But on the other side of the ocean, Magnus Hirschfield [sic] is rearing his disgusting head from beyond the grave. In Germany, which has been completely overhauled by communists, and perverts, and pedophiles with a vendetta against the German people, May 14th of this year was declared Magnus Hirschfield [sic] Day. In Berlin. That country’s capital city. And it was done at the behest of Berlin’s so-called Queer Liaison Officer. I’m serious. That actually exists.

Now, what’s kind of amusing about all of this is that for decades good, old-fashioned German book burnings have been portrayed as some kind of an anti-academic purge in which science and math and history books were rounded up and destroyed. That’s fake. See, that’s a lie. Adolf Hitler and the rise of the National Socialists may be the most lied about people in world history. Maybe. But now — now that LGBTism is on the offensive and staunchly supported by the modern-day Weimar perverts that we have running our governments, queers and trannies and pedophiles are being lionized as the ultimate victims of the Nazis. So it was a Holocaust against pedophiles.

Because we’re not gonna deny the Holocaust. Bad things happened. Atrocities happened. Horrific things happened. Yeah. It was a war. It was a world war. But that world war, the purpose or the cause of that war, was not the Holocaust in which six million Jews were killed. It’s just not true. And that isn’t antisemitic. And that’s not because I hate Jews like The Rolling Stone likes to say. Or how NBC News labeled me a dangerous individual and Facebook kicked me off of their platform forever. That’s just the truth. Okay?

The Nazis were fighting perverts and pedophiles. I’m absolutely not afraid to say that. Nazis were fighting against perverts and pedophiles. And some of those acts, including those Nazi book burnings as they’re called, were heroic acts. You see, the National Socialists, they promised a return to normalcy. But the very same subversives who we find infiltrating the interior of our fake government — see, they set their sights on something that they wanna pervert or destroy and they never stop until they get their teeth into it. And now they’re telling us that those freaks were the good guys.