Lauren Witzke: The Government Prefers ‘Third World’ ‘Colored People’ To White Christians

On the July 31, 2023 episode of the Rumble show CrossTalk Tonight, hosts Lauren Witzke, Edward Szall, and Patrick Howley spread the false claim about a “white genocide” taking place in South Africa. Witzke, a former GOP Senate candidate, said that the U.S. government should grant white South Africans refugee status.

She also accused the government of bringing in “Third World” “colored people” instead of white Christian refugees.

Witzke is a conspiracy theorist and white nationalist who once tweeted that “Racial integration has hurt the black and white community,” and called for a “strong leader that would make even the most infamous of fascists blush.” She has also appeared on several white nationalist and Neo-Nazi podcasts.

Witzke, Szall, and Howley listened to a clip of Julius Malema, the head of South Africa’s Economic Freedom Fighters party, singing the apartheid-era song “Dubul’ ibhunu,” or “Shoot the Boer.” “Boer” refers to a “South African of Dutch or Huguenot descent.”

They then used the clip in order to spread the falsehood that a “white genocide” is taking place in South Africa, and predicted white people in America will suffer a similar fate.

Edward Szall claimed that “What we just saw in that video — the African-Americans here and the cuckolded whites that back this stuff, and all the other cacophony of minorities that are loving the disparity and the lack of meritocracy when it comes to jobs, going to school, and such — this is the thing, that’s coming here.”

Witzke said “They’re letting you know what they’re about to do. What they want to do.”

Referencing a prior segment in which they highlighted an artist who displayed white dolls skewered on a stick, she added, “They’re putting your babies on sticks and spears and walking around with them as a mockery in front of you. They’re calling for your assassination.”

Szall pulled up a recent tweet by Elon Musk in which the Twitter X owner wrote that “They are openly pushing for genocide of white people in South Africa.”

Witzke praised Musk for speaking out.

“I commend him for bringing it up, ’cause he’s got millions and millions and millions of followers and people watching him,” she said. “And at a point, I mean he’s a white South African himself, you know what I’m saying? At a point he at least has to speak up. Those are his people that are being slaughtered or they’re being called to die, to be killed.”

She added that “Speaking up about white genocide takes guts” and that “he could lose all his advertisers over that comment.”

Witzke also suggested giving “all the white South African farmers refugee status” and “deport[ing] all the illegal aliens we have here” so that the South Africans can work on our farms. Patrick Howley interjected to say the government would never do that because “they’re white, [and] they wanna replace the white people here.”

Howley was referring to the white supremacist “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory which posits that there is a plot to replace white Americans with immigrants of color.

“Notice they didn’t bring in a bunch of Ukrainian Christian refugees either,” Witzke complained. “They brought in a certain amount. They brought in a small amount, but they didn’t let it get out of control. You know why? Because they’re white, majority of them are Christian, and they don’t want us here. They want Third World — no offense, Ed, but — colored people.”

Szall indicated that he wasn’t offended by Witzke’s racist remarks, and instead called it “disgusting” that Indians “come into this country and take full advantage of the specifically weaponized welfare system” and “happily take jobs and homes and income away from the white, inherent population that created this economy.”