Joel Webbon Prays With Holocaust Denier For Israel To ‘Repent’ Of Its ‘Perversion’

Yesterday, Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon appeared on the show of Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer Stew Peters. During the interview, Webbon claimed that no religion has a “more hostile view towards the person and work of Jesus Christ” than “talmudic Judaism.” Webbon also said a prayer for Israel to “repent” of its “perversion.”

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Joel Webbon Celebrates A ‘Glorious And Righteous White Boy Summer’

On the latest episode of his Right Response Ministries show, Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon declared that he was celebrating White Boy Summer — a meme popularized by white supremacists. Webbon claimed that White Boy Summer is about celebrating “Anglo-Protestant culture,” which he called “the best culture.”

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