Rebecca Crockett: ‘People Needed To Be Openly Declaring Their Racism Like Decades Ago’

On a May 9, 2024 livestream, white nationalist YouTube personality Rebecca Crockett (née Hargraves) interviewed Hitler apologist Peter Quiñones. Crockett, who met last year with an Idaho lawmaker, claimed that people should openly declare their racism and said she would support a right-wing dictator taking over through non-democratic means.

Early in the livestream, Quiñones declared a disbelief in “natural” or “God-given” rights, explaining that “if you say God-given rights, then automatically they’re completely universal” and “apply to all the immigrants flowing over the border.” Crockett appeared to agree, saying that Enlightenment thinking has “torn apart the right-wing.”

Stating that there are “entire cultures, entire nations of sub-70 IQ people in this world that, based on our legal system, are defined as functionally retarded,” she asked Quiñones if people with “no ability to conceptualize natural rights” still has them. He replied by appearing to call for racial segregation.

“Freedom of association if — is probably the most important thing,” he said. “I mean, everybody does it. … There are people you don’t wanna be around. How come when it comes to, like, buying a home next to you, then all of the sudden it’s like, ‘Well, I mean there’s nothing I can do about it.’ I mean there are some people in the South who knew what to do about it back in the day.”

Crockett then complained about the right-wing response to a group of white frat bros who were filmed jeering at a Black, pro-Palestinian protester — including one who made monkey noises. She suggested in response that right-wingers simply embrace overt racism.

“It’s been really pissing me off,” she said. “Whether or not this whole frat boy Palestine protest was a Jewish psyop — it was — I was still infuriated by the reaction of the Right. ‘Cause I saw all sorts of people that I respect being like ‘This kid’ — the main focus of their argument was like ‘This kid isn’t racist because X, Y, Z.’ I’m like I don’t give a fuck.”

“Are we really still in this place where we’re going to be trapped in this defensive position?” she asked.

“People needed to be openly declaring their racism like decades ago. Or never stopped. This isn’t a commentary on the morality of racism. It’s important because it counter-signals this demand from the Left that no one bear any racist thought or, God forbid, demonstrates it in their actions.”

From a May 9, 2024 livestream by Blonde in the Belly of the Beast

Crockett also asked Quiñones about whether he’d support a right-wing authoritarian leader taking over the country without being democratically elected.

“And I was thinking, if a right-wing dictator that espoused all of our philosophies came about through absolute, complete violation of all aspects of our current governmental order — this is a bit of a rhetorical question, since I know what you’re gonna say — but, would you even care?” she asked. “I would not give a shit.”

As she predicted, Quiñones said he would support such an outcome, saying that “there has to be authoritarianism in some way to keep order.” He held up Singapore as an example of a “multicultural” country with authoritarian rule, where if “you spit gum on the ground you go to jail.”

He also praised New York City in the early ’90s for “put[ting] two cops on every corner” in the city, which he said “stopped the crime.” Quiñones claimed that there was another way of ending crime, as well. As he told Crockett, “you wanna solve crime, you wanna solve quote-unquote ‘gun violence’? Get rid of Blacks.”

“Well, and Mexicans,” Crockett added.

From a May 9, 2024 livestream by Blonde in the Belly of the Beast