Joel Webbon Prays With Holocaust Denier For Israel To ‘Repent’ Of Its ‘Perversion’

Yesterday, Christian nationalist pastor Joel Webbon appeared on the show of Holocaust denier and Nazi sympathizer Stew Peters. During the interview, Webbon claimed that no religion has a “more hostile view towards the person and work of Jesus Christ” than “talmudic Judaism.” Webbon also said a prayer for Israel to “repent” of its “perversion.”

In response to Peters criticizing Christian Zionist pastors — like Greg Locke and John Hagee — Webbon said that Christians should not treat the modern state of Israel as if it were the biblical one. “This is not the same as old covenant Israel in our Old Testament. It’s not,” he said.

Instead, Webbon said that Israel should be viewed as a “legitimate nation state” like any other — despite his belief that its “founding was one of the biggest mistakes in history that just gave birth to unceasing wars.”

But, much to Stew Peters’ delight, he also lashed out at “talmudic Judaism.”

“There are certain cults and groups that are incredibly hostile towards Christ,” Webbon said. “But in terms of major world religions — Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism — there is no major world religion with a more hostile view toward the person and work of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, than talmudic Judaism.”

From the June 27, 2024 episode of The Stew Peters Show

At the end of the interview, Peters asked Webbon to sign off with a prayer. Webbon obliged, and proceeded to pray for Israel to “repent” of its “war crimes” and “perversion” — including “sodomy” and “transgenderism”:

And Lord we pray that people would put their faith in Jesus. That they would trust that He is enough. That we are Israel in the truest, eternal, ultimate sense. That we are not — Christians are not — stepchildren sitting at the far end of the table, hoping for some attention and affection from dad. But we are beloved, adopted children. And that this goes for all nations, including the modern state of Israel. It’s not the Old Testament nation state, but it is still a people created in the image of God. There’s promises for them as well, if — it comes with a condition — they repent of their sins and trust in Jesus.

And Lord we pray that that would be the case. I pray that Israel would repent of their sins — of certain war crimes, of perversion, of influencing with transgenderism and sodomy and these kinds of things. I know it’s not everyone in Israel, but there are some key leaders — many that have done this in multiple cultures. And Lord we pray for the sake of our children and their protection that there would be repentance all the way around — for Americans, for Jews, for Brazilians, all the way around — that we would trust in Jesus and be rooted in Him.

From the June 27, 2024 episode of The Stew Peters Show