‘Timcast IRL’ Co-Host Promotes Conspiracies About Ukraine, 9/11, And COVID-19

On the Sept. 1, 2023 episode of The Stew Peters Show, Timcast IRL co-host Ian Crossland made a guest appearance where he called COVID-19 a “bioweapon,” claimed that there may be a plan to assassinate President Biden and frame Vladimir Putin, and suggested that the twin towers were brought down in a controlled demolition.

Crossland had caught the attention of white nationalist and conspiracy theorist Stew Peters after he threw a fit about being forced to wear “fucking dirty masks” during the pandemic.

After a monologue in which Peters claimed without evidence that COVID lockdowns killed millions of people, Crossland told Peters that he “didn’t understate” the impact of lockdowns. “It was fucking devastation,” Crossland said. “You cannot shut down a fucking economy and expect it to thrive.”

Crossland then said that it “wasn’t COVID that pissed me off,” but rather the government’s response to it.

“I get it, they have a bioweapon in a lab. They leaked it. Whatever. Now we have a new fucking virus on Earth like influenza and the rhinovirus that causes the common cold. Now we’ve got COVID. It’s gonna mutate and it’s gonna be with us forever unless we figure out how to destroy this thing with viruses or something — or vibration,” he said.

After Peters asked whether COVID lockdowns were “coming back,” Crossland responded by saying that “they want a false flag to get us to invade Ukraine” and “shut down the economy so that we have to do mail-in voting to make it easier for people that are manipulating votes to win the election.”

Peters floated the possibility that another mutation of COVID won’t occur but that “at Fort Detrick or the University of North Carolina, Ralph Baric’s psychopath self is developing something that actually will hurt children and will kill children.” He also said that “this murderous regime” might resort to assassinating President Biden or Donald Trump.

“Like a false flag, Putin killed Biden kinda thing? That’s totally on the table,” Crossland replied. “Dude, another virus? I mean if they worked on one that probably means they’re working on more and it could easily mean that they’re working on hundreds of them in different locations.”

“And yeah, dude, 9/11 — I don’t know who did that but the buildings fell in near freefall,” Crossland added. “That means the supports were blown out. Someone killed thousands of Americans to send the United States into war, then the United States went into war. Whether it was to send the United States to war or not, I dunno.”

“But that shit — you do not put that past psychopathic utilitarianisms — or utilitarianists — to wipe out thousands if not millions of humans to propagate a war of conquest for resources or for manipulative control. They don’t want a revolution.”

He said that he doesn’t know who “they” are — suggesting that it could be “the Swiss banking regime,” the World Economic Forum, or the “military-industrial complex.” (Somehow he forgot to ask if “they” are also in league with the reverse vampires.)

Peters, who has a history of antisemitic commentary, blamed the Rothschilds — a wealthy, Jewish family that is often the subject of conspiracy theories.

“I mean at the risk of sounding — here comes the ADL, by the way, and Media Matters — the Rothschilds,” Peters said. “And that’s not antisemitic because they’re not practicing Jews, by the way, they’re Satan-worshipers.”

“These people, Klaus Schwab and all of his Satanic minions and World Economic Forum sycophants and young global leaders who have their hands in the pockets of the taxpayers as well as they’re under the influence of bribery and blackmail material, they’re all diddling little kids, [they have] pictures of each other,” Peters added.

He also pushed the ludicrous claim that the deadly Maui wildfires were caused by a “directed energy weapon” — a claim that Crossland not only seemed receptive to, but called it “fucking terrifying.”

From the Sept. 1, 2023 episode of The Stew Peters Show