Anna Perez Suggests Taking Up Arms In Response To Third Trump Indictment

On yesterday’s episode of his YouTube show, Nightly Offensive, ex-BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer and far-right conspiracy theorist Anna Perez spread the false claim that Donald Trump might face the death penalty in connection to his third indictment. In response, Perez suggested taking up arms against the government, while at the same time claiming she was not advocating violence.

Referencing a clickbait article on the website Breitbart, Schaffer claimed that Special Counsel Jack Smith might pursue the death penalty against the former president over his actions on Jan. 6.

The article, written by Breitbart Senior Editor-at-Large Joel Pollak, cites one charge against Trump, 18 U.S.C. § 241, “Conspiracy Against Rights,” and notes that “if death results from the actions covered under this provision, the offender may be executed.” Using a leap of logic, Pollak writes that because insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt was killed on Jan. 6, this provision may apply to Trump.

However, the 45-page indictment neither references the death of Ashli Babbitt nor suggests that Trump’s actions resulted in death. And a spokesperson for the special counsel’s office dismissed this rumor, telling The Independent that the claim is “not accurate” and that the “indictment does not contain the special findings required.”

Reacting to this misinformation, Perez claimed that the U.S. is now worse than a banana republic and has been “hijacked essentially by the Biden regime and by people who wanna destroy it.”

“Because the fact that they can potentially kill a former president for absolutely no reason — I mean, the indictment, when you actually read it sounds like it was written by a third grader who just figured out what an indictment is, and just read the Constitution for the first time, and wanted to be like a tyrant for a day, was in a school play or something. It’s ridiculous,” she said.

Schaffer said Perez was “100% correct,” and that “with the gynocentric, narcissistic, godless, atheistic, world that we live in, it’s kind of like everything’s on the table.” Turning back to the Breitbart piece, he pointed out that — between the two federal indictments — Trump could face 515 years in prison.

That is, of course, in the extremely unlikely event that he was convicted on each count and received the maximum possible sentence.

Schaffer also complained that the Right is unwilling to fight back, despite having a constitutionally-protected right to own firearms. This prompted Perez to go on an extended monologue comparing present-day America to the Thirteen Colonies under monarchical British rule, in which she suggested that people take up arms against government “tyranny.”

“I’m gonna cue this up real nicely for Right Wing Watch and Patriot Takes and all those people that I’m sure are gonna clip what I’m about to say and put it out there. I don’t effing care what they think anymore,” Perez cautioned.

“Here’s the reality: The revolution was an insurrection. What else would it be? And what happened is people stood up against the tyrants that were basically controlling their every move. … They were living under absolute tyranny. What did they decide to do? They decided to take up arms against the government. They formed militias in their communities and they took up arms against the most powerful military in the world,” she said.

Perez then asked, “Are we not living under very similar circumstances here in America? Does this not call for the same, if not a similar, response to that situation? Why else do we have a Second Amendment?” She quickly distanced herself from the implications of those questions, however, telling viewers that she was “not calling for violence” and isn’t a “violent person.”