A Voice for Men Plans to Hold Its International Conference on Men’s Issues 2015 in Houston

Meanwhile, somewhere in Houston...

Well, we had to have known it would happen. After the First International Conference on Men’s Issues was held in Detroit last year by Paul Elam, we had to know there would be a sequel. And lo and behold, we now have the official announcement courtesy of A Voice for Men:

It is with great pleasure that I get to announce that AVFM has secured a venue for the International Conference on Men’s Issues 2015, set for October 29, 30 and 31 in my hometown of Houston, Texas.

Houston, for those of you who don’t know, is the fourth largest city in the United States. Once known as “Boomtown” during the explosive growth of the oil and gas industry in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, Houston is a sprawling expanse of metropolitan real estate with a multicultural, blue collar ethos. It is the “working man’s” capital of Texas, and I would dare say most of the country.

Ah, Houston, Texas at the end of October – which, I believe, is still officially “Bash a Violent Bitch Month.” And after the fiasco that was last year’s conference, Paul Elam seems to have walked away having learned some valuable lessons:

In approaching the venue, we laid our cards entirely on the table with management. We told them about the venue change last year, why it happened, and told them to expect that book burners would undoubtedly be in contact with them prior to the event trying to intimidate them into pulling the plug.

We pulled no punches in this face-to-face meeting. Their response? All I can say is that Houston and Detroit are two very different cities. They have pledged to see this through with us because they support good business and free speech.

We offered, and they accepted an agreement that we would not advertise the exact venue till the last week before the conference. I think it was a fair offer because while ideological thugs don’t care in the least who they bully as long as they can shut down the free expression of ideas, we have no intention of putting venue management in their line of fire for months before the event.

Okay, valuable lessons about covering his ass, but valuable lessons nonetheless I suppose. And while last year’s event was a veritable who’s who of misogyny (e.g. Warren Farrell, Mike Buchanan, Stefan Molyneux, etc.), this year’s speaker list is, as of yet, unknown. But you know what they say: Everything’s bigger in Texas.